

spark.executor.memory=4g, Dspark.akka.frameSize=512


首先,我从HDFS读取一些数据(2.19 GB)到RDD:

val imageBundleRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopFile(...)


val res = imageBundleRDD.map(data => {
                               val desPoints = threeDReconstruction(data._2, bg)
                                 (data._1, desPoints)




14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:24 as TID 33 on executor 9: Salve7.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Serialized task 1.0:24 as 30618515 bytes in 210 ms
14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:36 as TID 34 on executor 2: Salve11.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
14/01/15 21:42:28 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Serialized task 1.0:36 as 30618515 bytes in 449 ms
14/01/15 21:42:28 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:32 as TID 35 on executor 7: Salve4.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
Uncaught error from thread [spark-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[spark]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


PS:当输入数据约为225 MB时,一切正常。



根据我对上面提供的代码的理解,它加载文件并进行映射操作并保存回来。没有需要shuffle的操作。此外,没有任何操作需要将数据传输到驱动程序,因此调优与shuffle或驱动程序相关的任何内容都不会产生影响。当任务太多时,驱动程序确实会有问题,但这只是在spark 2.0.2版本之前。可能会有两件事出错。

There are only one or a few executors. Increase the number of executors so that they can be allocated to different slaves. If you are using yarn need to change num-executors config or if you are using spark standalone then need to tune num cores per executor and spark max cores conf. In standalone num executors = max cores / cores per executor . The number of partitions are very few or maybe only one. So if this is low even if we have multi-cores,multi executors it will not be of much help as parallelization is dependent on the number of partitions. So increase the partitions by doing imageBundleRDD.repartition(11)


堆空间错误通常是由于将太多数据带回驱动程序或执行程序而发生的。 在您的代码中,似乎没有将任何东西带回驱动程序,相反,您可能重载了使用threeDReconstruction()方法将一个输入记录/行映射到另一个输入记录/行的执行器。我不确定在方法定义中是什么,但这肯定会导致执行器的重载。 现在你有两个选择,

编辑你的代码,以更有效的方式进行三维重建。 不要编辑代码,但是给你的执行程序更多的内存,以及更多的内存开销。[spark.executor。内存或spark.driver.memoryOverhead]

我建议谨慎使用,只使用你需要的量。就内存需求而言,每个作业都是独一无二的,所以我建议根据经验尝试不同的值,每次增加2的幂(256M,512M,1G ..)等等)


根据我对上面提供的代码的理解,它加载文件并进行映射操作并保存回来。没有需要shuffle的操作。此外,没有任何操作需要将数据传输到驱动程序,因此调优与shuffle或驱动程序相关的任何内容都不会产生影响。当任务太多时,驱动程序确实会有问题,但这只是在spark 2.0.2版本之前。可能会有两件事出错。

There are only one or a few executors. Increase the number of executors so that they can be allocated to different slaves. If you are using yarn need to change num-executors config or if you are using spark standalone then need to tune num cores per executor and spark max cores conf. In standalone num executors = max cores / cores per executor . The number of partitions are very few or maybe only one. So if this is low even if we have multi-cores,multi executors it will not be of much help as parallelization is dependent on the number of partitions. So increase the partitions by doing imageBundleRDD.repartition(11)


spark-submit --conf spark.yarn.maxAppAttempts=2 --executor-memory 10g --num-executors 50 --driver-memory 12g







您应该增加驱动程序内存。在$SPARK_HOME/conf文件夹中,你应该找到spark-defaults.conf文件,编辑并设置spark.driver.memory 4000m,这取决于你主内存的大小。 这就是为我解决问题的方法,一切都很顺利