

spark.executor.memory=4g, Dspark.akka.frameSize=512


首先,我从HDFS读取一些数据(2.19 GB)到RDD:

val imageBundleRDD = sc.newAPIHadoopFile(...)


val res = imageBundleRDD.map(data => {
                               val desPoints = threeDReconstruction(data._2, bg)
                                 (data._1, desPoints)




14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:24 as TID 33 on executor 9: Salve7.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Serialized task 1.0:24 as 30618515 bytes in 210 ms
14/01/15 21:42:27 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:36 as TID 34 on executor 2: Salve11.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
14/01/15 21:42:28 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Serialized task 1.0:36 as 30618515 bytes in 449 ms
14/01/15 21:42:28 INFO cluster.ClusterTaskSetManager: Starting task 1.0:32 as TID 35 on executor 7: Salve4.Hadoop (NODE_LOCAL)
Uncaught error from thread [spark-akka.actor.default-dispatcher-3] shutting down JVM since 'akka.jvm-exit-on-fatal-error' is enabled for ActorSystem[spark]
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space


PS:当输入数据约为225 MB时,一切正常。





我通过将spark.driver.memory设置为适合我的驱动器内存的数字来解决这个问题(对于32GB ram,我将其设置为18G)。

可以使用spark submit命令进行设置,方法如下:

spark-submit --conf spark.driver.memory=18g


Spark properties mainly can be divided into two kinds: one is related to deploy, like “spark.driver.memory”, “spark.executor.instances”, this kind of properties may not be affected when setting programmatically through SparkConf in runtime, or the behavior is depending on which cluster manager and deploy mode you choose, so it would be suggested to set through configuration file or spark-submit command line options; another is mainly related to Spark runtime control, like “spark.task.maxFailures”, this kind of properties can be set in either way.


看看启动脚本,Java堆大小设置在那里,看起来你在运行Spark worker之前没有设置这个。

# Set SPARK_MEM if it isn't already set since we also use it for this process
export SPARK_MEM

# Set JAVA_OPTS to be able to load native libraries and to set heap size


广义上讲,spark Executor JVM内存可以分为两部分。Spark内存和User内存。这是由spark.memory.fraction属性控制的——值在0到1之间。 在spark应用程序中处理图像或执行内存密集型处理时,请考虑降低spark.memory.fraction。这将为应用程序工作提供更多内存。Spark可能溢出,所以它仍然可以在较少的内存共享下工作。

The second part of the problem is division of work. If possible, partition your data into smaller chunks. Smaller data possibly needs less memory. But if that is not possible, you are sacrifice compute for memory. Typically a single executor will be running multiple cores. Total memory of executors must be enough to handle memory requirements of all concurrent tasks. If increasing executor memory is not a option, you can decrease the cores per executor so that each task gets more memory to work with. Test with 1 core executors which have largest possible memory you can give and then keep increasing cores until you find the best core count.


If your nodes are configured to have 6g maximum for Spark (and are leaving a little for other processes), then use 6g rather than 4g, spark.executor.memory=6g. Make sure you're using as much memory as possible by checking the UI (it will say how much mem you're using) Try using more partitions, you should have 2 - 4 per CPU. IME increasing the number of partitions is often the easiest way to make a program more stable (and often faster). For huge amounts of data you may need way more than 4 per CPU, I've had to use 8000 partitions in some cases! Decrease the fraction of memory reserved for caching, using spark.storage.memoryFraction. If you don't use cache() or persist in your code, this might as well be 0. It's default is 0.6, which means you only get 0.4 * 4g memory for your heap. IME reducing the mem frac often makes OOMs go away. UPDATE: From spark 1.6 apparently we will no longer need to play with these values, spark will determine them automatically. Similar to above but shuffle memory fraction. If your job doesn't need much shuffle memory then set it to a lower value (this might cause your shuffles to spill to disk which can have catastrophic impact on speed). Sometimes when it's a shuffle operation that's OOMing you need to do the opposite i.e. set it to something large, like 0.8, or make sure you allow your shuffles to spill to disk (it's the default since 1.0.0). Watch out for memory leaks, these are often caused by accidentally closing over objects you don't need in your lambdas. The way to diagnose is to look out for the "task serialized as XXX bytes" in the logs, if XXX is larger than a few k or more than an MB, you may have a memory leak. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/25270600/1586965 Related to above; use broadcast variables if you really do need large objects. If you are caching large RDDs and can sacrifice some access time consider serialising the RDD http://spark.apache.org/docs/latest/tuning.html#serialized-rdd-storage. Or even caching them on disk (which sometimes isn't that bad if using SSDs). (Advanced) Related to above, avoid String and heavily nested structures (like Map and nested case classes). If possible try to only use primitive types and index all non-primitives especially if you expect a lot of duplicates. Choose WrappedArray over nested structures whenever possible. Or even roll out your own serialisation - YOU will have the most information regarding how to efficiently back your data into bytes, USE IT! (bit hacky) Again when caching, consider using a Dataset to cache your structure as it will use more efficient serialisation. This should be regarded as a hack when compared to the previous bullet point. Building your domain knowledge into your algo/serialisation can minimise memory/cache-space by 100x or 1000x, whereas all a Dataset will likely give is 2x - 5x in memory and 10x compressed (parquet) on disk.



java.lang.OutOfMemoryError : GC overhead limit exceeded

为了添加一个通常不被讨论的用例,我将在本地模式下通过Spark -submit提交Spark应用程序时提出一个解决方案。

根据Jacek Laskowski的giitbook Mastering Apache Spark:




  --class "MyClass"
  --driver-memory 12g
  --master local[*] 

根据我对上面提供的代码的理解,它加载文件并进行映射操作并保存回来。没有需要shuffle的操作。此外,没有任何操作需要将数据传输到驱动程序,因此调优与shuffle或驱动程序相关的任何内容都不会产生影响。当任务太多时,驱动程序确实会有问题,但这只是在spark 2.0.2版本之前。可能会有两件事出错。

There are only one or a few executors. Increase the number of executors so that they can be allocated to different slaves. If you are using yarn need to change num-executors config or if you are using spark standalone then need to tune num cores per executor and spark max cores conf. In standalone num executors = max cores / cores per executor . The number of partitions are very few or maybe only one. So if this is low even if we have multi-cores,multi executors it will not be of much help as parallelization is dependent on the number of partitions. So increase the partitions by doing imageBundleRDD.repartition(11)