understanding the context of SDLC will help understand the difference between snapshot and the release. During the dev process developers all contribute their features to a baseline branch. At some point the lead thinks enough features have accumulated then he will cut a release branch from the baseline branch. Any builds prior to this time point are snapshots. Builds post to this point are releases. Be noted, release builds could change too before going to production if any defect spot during the release testing.
其思想是,在1.0发行版(或任何其他发行版)完成之前,存在1.0- snapshot。这个版本可能会变成1.0。它基本上是“正在开发的1.0版本”。这可能接近于真正的1.0发行版,或者相当远(例如,就在0.9发行版之后)。
In other words, there is a semantic ambiguity of whether "release" means "we can release it to Maven Central" or "the software is in its final release to the public". We could consider -beta.4 to be a "release" version if we release it to the public, but it's not a "final release". Semantic versioning clearly says that something like -beta.4 is a "pre-release" version, so it wouldn't make sense for it to be called a "release" version, even without -SNAPSHOT. In fact by definition even -rc.5 is a release candidate, not an actual release, even though we may allow public access for testing.
1.2.3-beta。4-SNAPSHOT:预发布版本的快照版本。 1.2.3-SNAPSHOT:发布版本的快照版本。 1.2.3-beta。4:预发布版本的稳定版本。 1.2.3:发布版本(显然是一个稳定的非快照版本)。
A Maven SNAPSHOT is an artifact created by a Maven build and pretends to help developers in the software development cycle. A SNAPSHOT is an artifact (or project build result ) that is not pretended to be used anywhere, it's only a temporarily .jar, ear, ... created to test the build process or to test new requirements that are not yet ready to go to a production environment. After you are happy with the SNAPSHOT artifact quality, you can create a RELEASE artifact that can be used by other projects or can be deployed itself.
<description>Maven pom example</description>
通常在maven中,我们有两种类型的构建 1)建立快照 2)制定版本发布
快照构建:快照是特殊版本,它指示当前部署副本,不像常规版本,maven检查远程存储库中的每个构建的版本 因此快照构建只是开发构建。 发布版本:发布意味着在版本中删除快照,这些是常规的构建版本。
在发布过程中,x.y-SNAPSHOT的一个版本更改为x.y。发布过程还将开发版本增加到x.(y+1)-SNAPSHOT。例如,版本1.0- snapshot发布为版本1.0,新的开发版本为版本1.1-SNAPSHOT。
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