对于Amazon EC2上的实例,我不清楚从EBS和实例商店获得了哪些好处。如果有什么区别的话,似乎EBS更有用(停止,启动,坚持+更好的速度),成本差异相对较小…?另外,考虑到EBS仍然相对较新,是否有任何指标可以衡量现在使用EBS的人更多?
除了网络存储的行为方式外,所有网络都在EC2实例上共享。实例越小(例如t1。micro, m1.small)会变得更糟糕,因为您在实际主机系统上的网络接口是由运行在其上的多个虚拟机(=您的EC2实例)共享的。
我们建议您将本地实例存储用于临时数据,对于需要较高持久性的数据,我们建议使用Amazon EBS卷或将数据备份到Amazon S3。
EBS backed instances can be set so that they cannot be (accidentally) terminated through the API. EBS backed instances can be stopped when you're not using them and resumed when you need them again (like pausing a Virtual PC), at least with my usage patterns saving much more money than I spend on a few dozen GB of EBS storage. EBS backed instances don't lose their instance storage when they crash (not a requirement for all users, but makes recovery much faster) You can dynamically resize EBS instance storage. You can transfer the EBS instance storage to a brand new instance (useful if the hardware at Amazon you were running on gets flaky or dies, which does happen from time to time) It is faster to launch an EBS backed instance because the image does not have to be fetched from S3. If the hardware your EBS-backed instance is scheduled for maintenance, stopping and starting the instance automatically migrates to new hardware. I was also able to move an EBS-backed instance on failed hardware by force-stopping the instance and launching it again (your mileage may vary on failed hardware).
Keep in mind that any piece of cloud-based infrastructure can fail at any time. Plan your infrastructure accordingly. While EBS-backed instances provide certain level of durability compared to ephemeral storage instances, they can and do fail. Have an AMI from which you can launch new instances as needed in any availability zone, back up your important data (e.g. databases), and if your budget allows it, run multiple instances of servers for load balancing and redundancy (ideally in multiple availability zones).
At some points in time, it may be cheaper to achieve faster IO on Instance Store instances. There was a time when it was certainly true. Now there are many options for EBS storage, catering to many needs. The options and their pricing evolve constantly as technology changes. If you have a significant amount of instances that are truly disposable (they don't affect your business much if they just go away), do the math on cost vs. performance. EBS-backed instances can also die at any point in time, but my practical experience is that EBS is more durable.
EBS支持的实例启动足够快,您可以开始使用Amazon AutoScaling API,该API允许您使用CloudWatch指标来触发其他实例的启动,并将它们注册到ELB(弹性负载均衡器),还可以在不再需要时关闭它们。
持久,由EBS支持的实例可以自由启动和停止(节省资金) 可以在任何时间点进行快照,以获得时间点备份吗 可以从EBS快照创建ami,因此EBS卷成为新系统的模板
本地的,所以通常比较快 非联网,在正常情况下,EBS I/O是以网络带宽为代价的(EBS优化实例除外,它们具有独立的EBS带宽) 每秒I/O IOPS有限。即使配置的I/O最大IOPS也只有几千 脆弱的。一旦实例停止,就会丢失实例存储中的所有内容。
Use EBS for the backing OS partition and permanent storage (DB data, critical logs, application config) Use instance storage for in-process data, noncritical logs, and transient application state. Example: external sort storage, tempfiles, etc. Instance storage can also be used for performance-critical data, when there's replication between instances (NoSQL DBs, distributed queue/message systems, and DBs with replication) Use S3 for data shared between systems: input dataset and processed results, or for static data used by each system when lauched. Use AMIs for prebaked, launchable servers
Eric pretty much nailed it. We (Bitnami) are a popular provider of free AMIs for popular applications and development frameworks (PHP, Joomla, Drupal, you get the idea). I can tell you that EBS-backed AMIs are significantly more popular than S3-backed. In general I think s3-backed instances are used for distributed, time-limited jobs (for example, large scale processing of data) where if one machine fails, another one is simply spinned up. EBS-backed AMIS tend to be used for 'traditional' server tasks, such as web or database servers that keep state locally and thus require the data to be available in the case of crashing.
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