



Binary Search Tree - Used in many search applications where data is constantly entering/leaving, such as the map and set objects in many languages' libraries. Binary Space Partition - Used in almost every 3D video game to determine what objects need to be rendered. Binary Tries - Used in almost every high-bandwidth router for storing router-tables. Hash Trees - Used in torrents and specialized image-signatures in which a hash needs to be verified, but the whole file is not available. Also used in blockchains for eg. Bitcoin. Heaps - Used in implementing efficient priority-queues, which in turn are used for scheduling processes in many operating systems, Quality-of-Service in routers, and A* (path-finding algorithm used in AI applications, including robotics and video games). Also used in heap-sort. Huffman Coding Tree (Chip Uni) - Used in compression algorithms, such as those used by the .jpeg and .mp3 file-formats. GGM Trees - Used in cryptographic applications to generate a tree of pseudo-random numbers. Syntax Tree - Constructed by compilers and (implicitly) calculators to parse expressions. Treap - Randomized data structure used in wireless networking and memory allocation. T-tree - Though most databases use some form of B-tree to store data on the drive, databases which keep all (most) their data in memory often use T-trees to do so.



相比之下,一个n元树将需要log_2(n)个比较(使用二叉搜索)来移动到下一层。由于总共有log_n(m)个级别,因此搜索将需要log_2(n)*log_n(m) = log_2(m)个比较。因此,尽管n元树更复杂,但就必要的总体比较而言,它们没有提供任何优势。

(然而,n-ary树在生态位环境中仍然有用。首先想到的例子是四叉树和其他空间划分树,其中每层只使用两个节点划分空间会使逻辑不必要地复杂;以及在许多数据库中使用的b -树,其中限制因素不是在每个级别上进行多少比较,而是一次可以从硬盘加载多少节点)




红黑树 AVL树 替罪羊树


因此,树的整体高度保持为log n的阶数,并且搜索、插入和删除节点等操作在O(log n)时间内执行。c++的STL也以集合和映射的形式实现了这些树。

我认为“纯”二叉树没有任何用处。(教育用途除外) 平衡二叉树,如红黑树或AVL树更有用,因为它们保证O(logn)运算。普通的二叉树最终可能是一个列表(或几乎是列表),在使用大量数据的应用程序中并没有真正的用处。

平衡树通常用于实现映射或集合。 它们也可以用于O(nlogn)排序,即使存在更好的方法。




其他树如f.e.b +树也广泛应用于数据库中



Binary Search Tree - Used in many search applications where data is constantly entering/leaving, such as the map and set objects in many languages' libraries. Binary Space Partition - Used in almost every 3D video game to determine what objects need to be rendered. Binary Tries - Used in almost every high-bandwidth router for storing router-tables. Hash Trees - Used in torrents and specialized image-signatures in which a hash needs to be verified, but the whole file is not available. Also used in blockchains for eg. Bitcoin. Heaps - Used in implementing efficient priority-queues, which in turn are used for scheduling processes in many operating systems, Quality-of-Service in routers, and A* (path-finding algorithm used in AI applications, including robotics and video games). Also used in heap-sort. Huffman Coding Tree (Chip Uni) - Used in compression algorithms, such as those used by the .jpeg and .mp3 file-formats. GGM Trees - Used in cryptographic applications to generate a tree of pseudo-random numbers. Syntax Tree - Constructed by compilers and (implicitly) calculators to parse expressions. Treap - Randomized data structure used in wireless networking and memory allocation. T-tree - Though most databases use some form of B-tree to store data on the drive, databases which keep all (most) their data in memory often use T-trees to do so.



相比之下,一个n元树将需要log_2(n)个比较(使用二叉搜索)来移动到下一层。由于总共有log_n(m)个级别,因此搜索将需要log_2(n)*log_n(m) = log_2(m)个比较。因此,尽管n元树更复杂,但就必要的总体比较而言,它们没有提供任何优势。

(然而,n-ary树在生态位环境中仍然有用。首先想到的例子是四叉树和其他空间划分树,其中每层只使用两个节点划分空间会使逻辑不必要地复杂;以及在许多数据库中使用的b -树,其中限制因素不是在每个级别上进行多少比较,而是一次可以从硬盘加载多少节点)

使用二叉树表示AST的编译器可以使用已知的算法 解析树像海报,有序。程序员不需要提出自己的算法。 因为源文件的二叉树比n元树高,所以构建它需要更多的时间。 以这个生产为例: selstmnt:= "if" "(" expr ")" stmnt "ELSE" stmnt 在二叉树中,它将有3层节点,但n-ary树将有1层(子节点)
