


import socket, subprocess

def get_ip_and_hostname():
    hostname =  socket.gethostname()

    shell_cmd = "ifconfig | awk '/inet addr/{print substr($2,6)}'"
    proc = subprocess.Popen([shell_cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True)
    (out, err) = proc.communicate()

    ip_list = out.split('\n')
    ip = ip_list[0]

    for _ip in ip_list:
            if _ip != "" and _ip.split(".")[3] != "1":
                ip = _ip
    return ip, hostname

ip_addr, hostname = get_ip_and_hostname()


在Debian上(经过测试),我怀疑大多数Linux ..

import commands

RetMyIP = commands.getoutput("hostname -I")

在MS Windows上(已测试)

import socket



# module for getting the lan ip address of the computer

import os
import socket

if os.name != "nt":
    import fcntl
    import struct
    def get_interface_ip(ifname):
        s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
        return socket.inet_ntoa(fcntl.ioctl(
                0x8915,  # SIOCGIFADDR
                struct.pack('256s', bytes(ifname[:15], 'utf-8'))
                # Python 2.7: remove the second argument for the bytes call

def get_lan_ip():
    ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
    if ip.startswith("127.") and os.name != "nt":
        interfaces = ["eth0","eth1","eth2","wlan0","wlan1","wifi0","ath0","ath1","ppp0"]
        for ifname in interfaces:
                ip = get_interface_ip(ifname)
            except IOError:
    return ip

测试与windows和linux(和不需要额外的模块为那些) 用于在一个基于IPv4的局域网中的系统。

固定的接口名称列表不适用于最近的linux版本,这些版本已经采用了systemd v197关于可预测接口名称的更改,正如Alexander指出的那样。 在这种情况下,您需要手动使用系统上的接口名称替换该列表,或者使用其他解决方案,如netifaces。

Socket API方法



Not cross-platform. Requires more fallback code, tied to existence of particular addresses on the internet This will also not work if you're behind a NAT Probably creates a UDP connection, not independent of (usually ISP's) DNS availability (see other answers for ideas like using Google's (coincidentally also DNS) server) Make sure you make the destination address UNREACHABLE, like a numeric IP address that is spec-guaranteed to be unused. Do NOT use some domain like fakesubdomain.google.com or somefakewebsite.com; you'll still be spamming that party (now or in the future), and spamming your own network boxes as well in the process.




from urllib.request import urlopen
import re
def getPublicIp():
    data = str(urlopen('http://checkip.dyndns.com/').read())
    # data = '<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html>\r\n'

    return re.compile(r'Address: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(data).group(1)


from urllib import urlopen
import re
def getPublicIp():
    data = str(urlopen('http://checkip.dyndns.com/').read())
    # data = '<html><head><title>Current IP Check</title></head><body>Current IP Address:</body></html>\r\n'

    return re.compile(r'Address: (\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)').search(data).group(1)


这种方法的一个优点是它是跨平台的 它从丑陋的nat(例如你的家用路由器)后面工作。


要求网站正常运行,格式不变(几乎肯定不会),DNS服务器正常工作。在失败的情况下,还可以通过查询其他第三方IP地址反射器来缓解这个问题。 如果您不查询多个反射器(以防止一个受损害的反射器告诉您您的地址不是某个东西),或者如果您不使用HTTPS(以防止假装是服务器的中间人攻击),则可能的攻击向量

edit: Though initially I thought these methods were really bad (unless you use many fallbacks, the code may be irrelevant many years from now), it does pose the question "what is the internet?". A computer may have many interfaces pointing to many different networks. For a more thorough description of the topic, google for gateways and routes. A computer may be able to access an internal network via an internal gateway, or access the world-wide web via a gateway on for example a router (usually the case). The local IP address that the OP asks about is only well-defined with respect to a single link layer, so you have to specify that ("is it the network card, or the ethernet cable, which we're talking about?"). There may be multiple non-unique answers to this question as posed. However the global IP address on the world-wide web is probably well-defined (in the absence of massive network fragmentation): probably the return path via the gateway which can access the TLDs.


def getWinIP(version = 'IPv4'):
    import subprocess
    if version not in ['IPv4', 'IPv6']:
        print 'error - protocol version must be "IPv4" or "IPv6"'
        return None
    ipconfig = subprocess.check_output('ipconfig')
    my_ip = []
    for line in ipconfig.split('\n'):
        if 'Address' in line and version in line:
            my_ip.append(line.split(' : ')[1].strip())
    return my_ip

print getWinIP()



import commands,re,socket

#A generator that returns stripped lines of output from "ip address show"
iplines=(line.strip() for line in commands.getoutput("ip address show").split('\n'))

#Turn that into a list of IPv4 and IPv6 address/mask strings
addresses1=reduce(lambda a,v:a+v,(re.findall(r"inet ([\d.]+/\d+)",line)+re.findall(r"inet6 ([\:\da-f]+/\d+)",line) for line in iplines))
#addresses1 now looks like ['', '::1/128', '', 'fe80::1031:3fff:fe00:6dce/64']

#Get a list of IPv4 addresses as (IPstring,subnetsize) tuples
ipv4s=[(ip,int(subnet)) for ip,subnet in (addr.split('/') for addr in addresses1 if '.' in addr)]
#ipv4s now looks like [('', 8), ('', 23)]

#Get IPv6 addresses
ipv6s=[(ip,int(subnet)) for ip,subnet in (addr.split('/') for addr in addresses1 if ':' in addr)]