If it's in a namespace scope (i.e. outside of functions and classes), then it can't be accessed from any other translation unit. This is known as "internal linkage" or "static storage duration". (Don't do this in headers except for constexpr. Anything else, and you end up with a separate variable in each translation unit, which is crazy confusing)
If it's a variable in a function, it can't be accessed from outside of the function, just like any other local variable. (this is the local they mentioned)
class members have no restricted scope due to static, but can be addressed from the class as well as an instance (like std::string::npos). [Note: you can declare static members in a class, but they should usually still be defined in a translation unit (cpp file), and as such, there's only one per class]
static std::string namespaceScope = "Hello";
void foo() {
static std::string functionScope= "World";
struct A {
static std::string classScope = "!";
Before any function in a translation unit is executed (possibly after main began execution), the variables with static storage duration (namespace scope) in that translation unit will be "constant initialized" (to constexpr where possible, or zero otherwise), and then non-locals are "dynamically initialized" properly in the order they are defined in the translation unit (for things like std::string="HI"; that aren't constexpr). Finally, function-local statics will be initialized the first time execution "reaches" the line where they are declared. All static variables all destroyed in the reverse order of initialization.
T& get_global() {
static T global = initial_value();
return global;
struct A {
A() {++A_count;}
A(const A&) {++A_count;}
A(A&&) {++A_count;}
~A() {--A_count;}
static int get_count() {return A_count;}
static int A_count;
int main() {
A var;
int c0 = var.get_count(); //some compilers give a warning, but it's ok.
int c1 = A::get_count(); //normal way
可以在每个翻译单元中放入同名的函数,它们都可以做不同的事情。例如,您可以在每个cpp文件中放入一个静态void log(const char*){},并且它们都可以以不同的方式进行日志记录。