



Ubuntu有一个非常简单的方法来管理服务。 对于python来说,不同之处在于所有依赖项(包)都必须在运行主文件的同一目录中。

我只是设法创建了这样一个服务,为我的客户提供天气信息。 步骤:

Create your python application project as you normally do. Install all dependencies locally like: sudo pip3 install package_name -t . Create your command line variables and handle them in code (if you need any) Create the service file. Something (minimalist) like: [Unit] Description=1Droid Weather meddleware provider [Service] Restart=always User=root WorkingDirectory=/home/ubuntu/weather ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/ubuntu/weather/main.py httpport=9570 provider=OWMap [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Save the file as myweather.service (for example) Make sure that your app runs if started in the current directory python3 main.py httpport=9570 provider=OWMap The service file produced above and named myweather.service (important to have the extension .service) will be treated by the system as the name of your service. That is the name that you will use to interact with your service. Copy the service file: sudo cp myweather.service /lib/systemd/system/myweather.service Refresh demon registry: sudo systemctl daemon-reload Stop the service (if it was running) sudo service myweather stop Start the service: sudo service myweather start Check the status (log file with where your print statements go): tail -f /var/log/syslog Or check the status with: sudo service myweather status Back to the start with another iteration if needed

此服务现在正在运行,即使您退出也不会受到影响。 如果主机关闭并重新启动,则此服务将重新启动…



Description = <Your service description here>
After = network.target # Assuming you want to start after network interfaces are made available
Type = simple
ExecStart = python <Path of the script you want to run>
User = # User to run the script as
Group = # Group to run the script as
Restart = on-failure # Restart when there are errors
SyslogIdentifier = <Name of logs for the service>
RestartSec = 5
TimeoutStartSec = infinity
WantedBy = multi-user.target # Make it accessible to other users

将该文件放在您的守护进程服务文件夹(通常是/etc/systemd/system/)中,*. .使用以下systemctl命令安装它(可能需要sudo权限):

systemctl enable <service file name without .service extension>

systemctl daemon-reload

systemctl start <service file name without .service extension>


systemctl | grep running


Make a proper cron job that calls your script. Cron is a common name for a GNU/Linux daemon that periodically launches scripts according to a schedule you set. You add your script into a crontab or place a symlink to it into a special directory and the daemon handles the job of launching it in the background. You can read more at Wikipedia. There is a variety of different cron daemons, but your GNU/Linux system should have it already installed. Use some kind of python approach (a library, for example) for your script to be able to daemonize itself. Yes, it will require a simple event loop (where your events are timer triggering, possibly, provided by sleep function).


此外,如果你使用daemonize进行循环并且发生了崩溃,那么没有人会在那之后检查邮件(正如Ivan Nevostruev在回答的评论中指出的那样)。而如果脚本作为cron作业添加,它将再次触发。




