
React-Native版本不匹配 Javascript版本0.50.1 本机版本:0.50.0 确保您已经重新构建了本机代码. ...



我可以通过删除node_modules并再次运行npm install来修复这个问题



卸载应用程序 Lsof -i:8081 kill -9 PID 重新构建应用程序(react-native run-android或react-native run-ios)

安装一个新的模拟器和关闭所有终端,只在我从Android Studio运行时才适用。现在已经不管用了。

有点违反直觉,但我注意到,当我从Android Studio运行时,地铁捆绑终端没有启动。

所以我从终端执行npx react-native run-android(这没有工作,但它确实启动地铁捆绑器),然后我从Android Studio运行该应用程序,它工作!


Opene管理扫描/ android / app / build.gradle


编译("com.facebook.react:react-native:0.51.0") {force = true}

而不是 编译"com.facebook.react:react-native:0.51.0" {force = true}


I've never seen this error before, but whenever I can't get Xcode and React-Native to play well together, I do a couple of things. Check what version of Xcode I'm working with. If it needs to be updated, I update it. Then clearing watchman and the cache are the second place I go. I don't use the reset cache command. It always says that I need to verify the cache, so I skip that (you can do it though, I just get confused). I use rm -rf $TMPDIR/react-* to get rid of any cached builds. If that doesn't work, I try to build the app in Xcode, then work my way from there, to build it with react-native run-ios. With this error message, it seems you might start by trying to build it with Xcode. Hope that helps...let me know your progress with it. Good luck! (Also, you could update to RN 0.51 as another attempt to get your versions synced.)