这意味着根据字段的值,我的结构将会改变。是否有方法从结构中删除字段?或者至少动态地将它们隐藏在JSON响应中?(注:有时我有空值,所以JSON omitEmpty标签将不在这里工作)如果这些都不可能,有没有一个更好的方法来处理这个问题的建议?
type SearchResult struct {
Date string `json:"date"`
IdCompany int `json:"idCompany"`
Company string `json:"company"`
IdIndustry interface{} `json:"idIndustry"`
Industry string `json:"industry"`
IdContinent interface{} `json:"idContinent"`
Continent string `json:"continent"`
IdCountry interface{} `json:"idCountry"`
Country string `json:"country"`
IdState interface{} `json:"idState"`
State string `json:"state"`
IdCity interface{} `json:"idCity"`
City string `json:"city"`
} //SearchResult
type SearchResults struct {
NumberResults int `json:"numberResults"`
Results []SearchResult `json:"results"`
} //type SearchResults
err := json.NewEncoder(c.ResponseWriter).Encode(&msg)
使用json:“- - -”
// Field is ignored by this package.
Field int `json:"-"`
// Field appears in JSON as key "myName".
Field int `json:"myName"`
// Field appears in JSON as key "myName" and
// the field is omitted from the object if its value is empty,
// as defined above.
Field int `json:"myName,omitempty"`
// Field appears in JSON as key "Field" (the default), but
// the field is skipped if empty.
// Note the leading comma.
Field int `json:",omitempty"`
doc: http://golang.org/pkg/encoding/json/#Marshal
func GetJSONString(obj interface{}, ignoreFields ...string) (string, error) {
toJson, err := json.Marshal(obj)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if len(ignoreFields) == 0 {
return string(toJson), nil
toMap := map[string]interface{}{}
json.Unmarshal([]byte(string(toJson)), &toMap)
for _, field := range ignoreFields {
delete(toMap, field)
toJson, err = json.Marshal(toMap)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return string(toJson), nil
func fieldSet(fields ...string) map[string]bool {
set := make(map[string]bool, len(fields))
for _, s := range fields {
set[s] = true
return set
func (s *SearchResult) SelectFields(fields ...string) map[string]interface{} {
fs := fieldSet(fields...)
rt, rv := reflect.TypeOf(*s), reflect.ValueOf(*s)
out := make(map[string]interface{}, rt.NumField())
for i := 0; i < rt.NumField(); i++ {
field := rt.Field(i)
jsonKey := field.Tag.Get("json")
if fs[jsonKey] {
out[jsonKey] = rv.Field(i).Interface()
return out