using static className;
我不知道这是不是一个好的练习。关于c# 4/5,我有很多东西要学,还有很多遗留代码要重构,所以我只是想让Roselyn的技巧来指导我。
Just to add to @Jason True's answer, it is important to realise that just putting 'static' on a method doesn't guarantee that the method will be 'pure'. It will be stateless with regard to the class in which it is declared, but it may well access other 'static' objects which have state (application configuration etc.), this may not always be a bad thing, but one of the reasons that I personally tend to prefer static methods when I can is that if they are pure, you can test and reason about them in isolation, without having to worry about the surrounding state.
使方法静态意味着您可以从类外部调用该方法,而无需首先创建该类的实例。这在使用第三方供应商对象或附加组件时非常有用。想象一下,如果你在调用con. writeline()之前必须先创建一个Console对象“con”;
When ReSharper is suggesting that an instance method can be converted to a static one, it is actually telling you, "Why the .. this method is sitting in this class but it is not actually using any of its states?" So, it gives you food for thought. Then, it is you who can realize the need for moving that method to a static utility class or not. According to the SOLID principles, a class should have only one core responsibility. So, you can do a better cleanup of your classes in that way. Sometimes, you do need some helper methods even in your instance class. If that is the case, you may keep them within a #region helper.
ReSharper不检查逻辑。它只检查方法是否使用实例成员。 如果方法是私有的,并且只被(可能只有一个)实例方法调用,这是一个让它成为实例方法的标志。