我已经安装了Python 3.5,并且正在运行

pip install mysql-python


错误:Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0是必需的(无法找到vcvarsall.bat)


C:\Program Files\Python 3.5\Scripts\;
C:\Program Files\Python 3.5\;

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC

我的电脑上安装了64位的Windows 7。



我也有同样的问题。下载Visual Studio 2017的构建工具对我有用。


这对我来说很管用: PIP install——only-binary:所有:mysqlclient


Conda init cmd.exe



Python Windows版本

在我的Windows 10电脑上安装Scrapy网页抓取Python框架时,我遇到了同样的问题。我是这样想出解决办法的:

从这个链接下载最新的(最后一个)车轮文件:车轮文件扭曲包 我建议将wheel文件保存在Python安装的目录中,即本地C盘的某个位置: 然后进入wheel文件所在的文件夹,运行pip install <*wheel文件的名称*> 最后,再次运行pip install Scrapy命令,你就可以使用Scrapy或任何其他需要你下载大量Windows c++包/SDK的工具了。



我还犯了一个常见错误:在pip安装库时需要Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0。


Go to Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 and install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017. Which is under All downloads (scroll down) → Tools for Visual Studio 2017 If you have already installed this, skip to 2. Select the C++ components you require (I didn't know which I required, so I installed many of them). If you have already installed Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 then open the application Visual Studio Installer then go to Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 → Modify → Individual Components and selected the required components. From other answers, important components appear to be: C++/CLI support, VC++ 2017 version <...> latest, Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Update, Visual C++ tools for CMake, Windows 10 SDK <...> for Desktop C++, Visual C++ Build Tools core features, Visual Studio C++ core features. Install/Modify these components for Visual Studio Build Tools 2017. This is the important step. Open the application Visual Studio Installer then go to Visual Studio Build Tools → Launch. Which will open a CMD window at the correct location for Microsoft Visual Studio\YYYY\BuildTools. Now enter python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools within this CMD window. Finally, in this same CMD window, pip install your Python library: pip install -U <library>.