我已经安装了Python 3.5,并且正在运行
pip install mysql-python
错误:Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0是必需的(无法找到vcvarsall.bat)
C:\Program Files\Python 3.5\Scripts\;
C:\Program Files\Python 3.5\;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC;
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC
我的电脑上安装了64位的Windows 7。
我还犯了一个常见错误:在pip安装库时需要Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0。
Go to Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 and install Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017. Which is under All downloads (scroll down) → Tools for Visual Studio 2017
If you have already installed this, skip to 2.
Select the C++ components you require (I didn't know which I required, so I installed many of them).
If you have already installed Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017 then open the application Visual Studio Installer then go to Visual Studio Build Tools 2017 → Modify → Individual Components and selected the required components.
From other answers, important components appear to be: C++/CLI support, VC++ 2017 version <...> latest, Visual C++ 2017 Redistributable Update, Visual C++ tools for CMake, Windows 10 SDK <...> for Desktop C++, Visual C++ Build Tools core features, Visual Studio C++ core features.
Install/Modify these components for Visual Studio Build Tools 2017.
This is the important step. Open the application Visual Studio Installer then go to Visual Studio Build Tools → Launch. Which will open a CMD window at the correct location for Microsoft Visual Studio\YYYY\BuildTools.
Now enter python -m pip install --upgrade setuptools within this CMD window.
Finally, in this same CMD window, pip install your Python library: pip install -U <library>.
需要Microsoft Visual c++ 14.0
Go to Build Tools for Visual Studio 2017
Select free download under Visual Studio Community 2017. This will download the installer. Run the installer.
Select what you need under workload tab:
a. Under Windows, there are three choices. Only check Desktop development with C++.
b. Under Web & Cloud, there are seven choices. Only check Python development (I believe this is optional, but I have done it).
In cmd, type pip3 install misaka.
Note if you already installed Visual Studio then when you run the installer, you can modify yours (click modify button under Visual Studio Community 2017) and do steps 3 and 4.
Final note: If you don't want to install all modules, having the three below (or a newer version of the VC++ 2017) would be sufficient. (You can also install the Visual Studio Build Tools with only these options, so you don’t need to install Visual Studio Community Edition itself) => This minimal install is already a 4.5 GB, so saving off anything is helpful