


由于TRUNCATE TABLE是一个DDL(数据定义语言)命令,而不是DML(数据操作语言)命令,删除触发器不会运行。


DELETE语句可以有一个WHERE子句来删除特定的记录,而TRUNCATE语句不需要任何子句并擦除整个表。 重要的是,DELETE语句记录删除日期,而TRUNCATE语句不记录删除日期。



SQL> delete from t1;

10918 rows deleted.

Elapsed: 00:00:00.58

Execution Plan
   0      DELETE STATEMENT Optimizer=FIRST_ROWS (Cost=43 Card=1)
   1    0   DELETE OF 'T1'
   2    1     TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T1' (TABLE) (Cost=43 Card=1)

         30  recursive calls
      12118  db block gets
        213  consistent gets
        142  physical reads
    3975328  redo size
        441  bytes sent via SQL*Net to client
        537  bytes received via SQL*Net from client
          4  SQL*Net roundtrips to/from client
          2  sorts (memory)
          0  sorts (disk)
      10918  rows processed

通过发出TRUNCATE TABLE语句,您将指示SQL Server删除表中的每条记录,而不进行任何日志记录或事务处理。


As TRUNCATE is a DDL (Data definition language) statement it does not require a commit to make the changes permanent. And this is the reason why rows deleted by truncate could not be rollbacked. On the other hand DELETE is a DML (Data manipulation language) statement hence requires explicit commit to make its effect permanent. TRUNCATE always removes all the rows from a table, leaving the table empty and the table structure intact whereas DELETE may remove conditionally if the where clause is used. The rows deleted by TRUNCATE TABLE statement cannot be restored and you can not specify the where clause in the TRUNCATE statement. TRUNCATE statements does not fire triggers as opposed of on delete trigger on DELETE statement
