答案已经有很多了;然而,也许我可以更清楚地解释这一点,因为当我阅读Daemon Threads时,最初,我有一种感觉,我很好地理解了它;然而,在玩了它并调试了一下之后,我发现了一个奇怪的行为。
我从主线程中创建了两个线程,我只将其中一个设置为菱形; 在主线程有序完成执行后,那些新创建的线程都没有退出,但我预计,守护线程应该已经退出; 我浏览了许多博客和文章,到目前为止,我找到的最好、最清晰的定义来自《Java并发实践》一书,它非常清楚地指出:
Sometimes you want to create a thread that performs some helper function but you don’t want the existence of this thread to prevent the JVM from shutting down. This is what daemon threads are for. Threads are divided into two types: normal threads and daemon threads. When the JVM starts up, all the threads it creates (such as garbage collector and other housekeeping threads) are daemon threads, except the main thread. When a new thread is created, it inherits the daemon status of the thread that created it, so by default any threads created by the main thread are also normal threads. Normal threads and daemon threads differ only in what happens when they exit. When a thread exits, the JVM performs an inventory of running threads, and if the only threads that are left are daemon threads, it initiates an orderly shutdown. When the JVM halts, any remaining daemon threads are abandoned— finally blocks are not executed, stacks are not unwound—the JVM just exits. Daemon threads should be used sparingly—few processing activities can be safely abandoned at any time with no cleanup. In particular, it is dangerous to use daemon threads for tasks that might perform any sort of I/O. Daemon threads are best saved for “housekeeping” tasks, such as a background thread that periodically removes expired entries from an in-memory cache.
Daemon thread is like daemon process which is responsible for managing resources,a daemon thread is created by the Java VM to serve the user threads. example updating system for unix,unix is daemon process. child of daemon thread is always daemon thread,so by default daemon is false.you can check thread as daemon or user by using "isDaemon()" method. so daemon thread or daemon process are basically responsible for managing resources. for example when you starting jvm there is garbage collector running that is daemon thread whose priority is 1 that is lowest,which is managing memory. jvm is alive as long as user thread is alive,u can not kill daemon thread.jvm is responsible to kill daemon threads.
1. If there are no `user treads` JVM starts terminating the program
2. JVM terminates all `daemon threads` automatically without waiting when they are done
3. JVM is shutdown
守护线程是低优先级线程。 线程从父线程继承它的属性。要从外部设置它,你可以在启动它之前使用setDaemon()方法或通过isDaemon()检查它
垃圾收集器。 信号分配器。
通常,守护线程在MIN_PRIORITY中运行,但是,也可以使用MAX_PRIORITY运行守护线程。 示例:当需要额外的内存时,GC通常以MIN_PRIORITY优先级运行。JVM将GC的优先级从MIN_PRIORITY增加到MAX_PRIORITY。
一旦线程已经启动,就不能将其从守护线程更改为非守护线程,这会导致IllegalThreadStateException异常。 例子: public static void main(String[] args) { Thread.currentThread () .setDaemon(真正的); } 输出: java.lang.IllegalThreadStateException线程异常 在java.base / java.lang.Thread.setDaemon (Thread.java: 1403)
If we are branching off a thread, the child thread inherits the nature of the parent thread. If the parent thread is a non-daemon thread automatically the child thread will be non-daemon as well and if the parent thread is a daemon, the child thread will be a daemon as well. class Scratch { public static void main(String[] args) { CustomThread customThread = new CustomThread(); customThread.start(); } } class CustomThread extends Thread{ @Override public void run() { System.out.println(currentThread().isDaemon()); } } Output: false
When the last non-daemon thread terminates, all the daemon threads get terminated automatically. class Scratch { public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println("Main Thread Started."); CustomThread customThread = new CustomThread(); customThread.setDaemon(true); customThread.start(); System.out.println("Main Thread Finished."); } } class CustomThread extends Thread{ @Override public void run() { System.out.println("Custom Thread Started."); try { sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException ignore) {} System.out.println("Custom Thread Finished."); //Won't get executed. } } Output: Main Thread Started. Main Thread Finished. Custom Thread Started.
Daemon threads are those threads which provide general services for user threads (Example : clean up services - garbage collector) Daemon threads are running all the time until kill by the JVM Daemon Threads are treated differently than User Thread when JVM terminates , finally blocks are not called JVM just exits JVM doesn't terminates unless all the user threads terminate. JVM terminates if all user threads are dies JVM doesn't wait for any daemon thread to finish before existing and finally blocks are not called If all user threads dies JVM kills all the daemon threads before stops When all user threads have terminated, daemon threads can also be terminated and the main program terminates setDaemon() method must be called before the thread's start() method is invoked Once a thread has started executing its daemon status cannot be changed To determine if a thread is a daemon thread, use the accessor method isDaemon()
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