Spring框架定义了多个专门的bean,如@Controller (@Restcontroller)、@Repository、@Component来服务于web目的。Spring和Maven一起提供了一个对开发人员来说很直观的结构。 团队工作简单快捷,因为单独的元素是分开的,可以重复使用。
Spring handles Dependency Injection and I recommend you read Martin Fowler's excellent introduction on dependency injection. The second thing Spring does is wrap excellent Java libraries in a very elegant way to use in your applications. For a good example see how Spring wraps Task Executors and Quartz Scheduler. Thirdly Spring provides a bunch of implementations of web stuff like REST, an MVC web framework and more. They figure since you are using Spring for the first two, maybe you can just use it for everything your web app needs.
The problem is that Spring DI is really well thought out, the wrappers around other things are really well thought out in that the other things thought everything out and Spring just nicely wraps it. The Spring implementations of MVC and REST and all the other stuff is not as well done (YMMV, IMHO) but there are exceptions (Spring Security is da bomb). So I tend to use Spring for DI, and its cool wrappers but prefer other stuff for Web (I like Tapestry a lot), REST (Jersey is really robust), etc.
Spring真的是一个很棒的工具。(我说的不是Spring MVC,只是基本框架)。
你可能想在一个web应用程序中使用Spring -
Spring MVC, which with 2.5+ allows you to use POJOs as Controller classes, meaning you don't have to extend from any particular framework (as in Struts or Spring pre-2.5). Controller classes are also dead simple to test thanks in part to dependency injection Spring integration with Hibernate, which does a good job of simplifying work with that ORM solution (for most cases) Using Spring for a web app enables you to use your Domain Objects at all levels of the application - the same classes that are mapped using Hibernate are the classes you use as "form beans." By nature, this will lead to a more robust domain model, in part because it's going to cut down on the number of classes. Spring form tags make it easier to create forms without much hassle.
此外,Spring是巨大的——所以在web应用程序中使用很多其他的东西你可能会感兴趣,比如Spring AOP或Spring Security。但上面列出的四件事描述了Spring在web应用程序中使用的常见组件。
public class BaseView {
protected UserLister userLister;
public BaseView() {
userLister = new UserListerDB(); // only line of code that needs changing
public class SomeView extends BaseView {
public SomeView() {
public void render() {
List<User> users = userLister.getUsers();
完成了!因此,现在即使您有数百或数千个视图,您仍然只需要更改一行代码,就像Spring XML方法中那样。 但是更改一行代码仍然需要重新编译,而不是编辑XML。好吧,我的挑剔的朋友,使用Ant和脚本!
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