public interface Lunch
public void eat();
public class Buffet implements Lunch
public void eat()
// Eat as much as you can
public class Plated implements Lunch
public void eat()
// Eat a limited portion
public class LunchDecide {
private Lunch todaysLunch;
public LunchDecide(){
this.todaysLunch = new Buffet(); // choose Buffet -> eat as much as you want
//this.todaysLunch = new Plated(); // choose Plated -> eat a limited portion
public class LunchDecide {
private Lunch todaysLunch;
public LunchDecide(Lunch todaysLunch){
this.todaysLunch = todaysLunch
Notice that instead of creating an object using new keyword we passed the reference to an object of Lunch Type as a parameter to our constructor. Here, object creation is outsourced. This code can be wired either using Xml config file (legacy) or Java Annotations (modern). Either way, the decision on which Type of object would be created would be done there during runtime. An object would be injected by Xml into our code - Our Code is dependent on Xml for that job. Hence, Dependency Injection (DI). DI not only helps in making our system loosely coupled, it simplifies writing of Unit tests since it allows dependencies to be mocked. Last but not the least, DI streamlines Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) which leads to further decoupling and increase of modularity. Also note that above DI is Constructor Injection. DI can be done by Setter Injection as well - same plain old setter method from encapsulation.
过去,Spring只是一个依赖注入框架(Guice, PicoContainer,…),但现在它是构建企业应用程序的完整解决方案。
Spring Security - http://projects.spring.io/spring-security/ Spring Webservices - http://projects.spring.io/spring-ws/ Spring集成- http://projects.spring.io/spring-integration/
Spring批处理框架设计,使批处理能够开发 批处理应用程序 Spring HATEOAS基于HATEOAS原理轻松创建REST API Spring Mobile和Spring Andriod用于移动应用程序开发 Spring Shell构建一个功能齐全的Shell(又名命令行)应用程序 Spring Cloud和Spring Cloud Data Flow用于云应用程序
还有一些小项目,比如spring-social-facebook (http://projects.spring.io/spring-social-facebook/)
你可以使用spring进行web开发,因为它有spring MVC模块,这是spring框架项目的一部分。或者你可以将spring与另一个web框架一起使用,比如struts2。
Spring框架定义了多个专门的bean,如@Controller (@Restcontroller)、@Repository、@Component来服务于web目的。Spring和Maven一起提供了一个对开发人员来说很直观的结构。 团队工作简单快捷,因为单独的元素是分开的,可以重复使用。
Spring真的是一个很棒的工具。(我说的不是Spring MVC,只是基本框架)。
public interface Lunch
public void eat();
public class Buffet implements Lunch
public void eat()
// Eat as much as you can
public class Plated implements Lunch
public void eat()
// Eat a limited portion
public class LunchDecide {
private Lunch todaysLunch;
public LunchDecide(){
this.todaysLunch = new Buffet(); // choose Buffet -> eat as much as you want
//this.todaysLunch = new Plated(); // choose Plated -> eat a limited portion
public class LunchDecide {
private Lunch todaysLunch;
public LunchDecide(Lunch todaysLunch){
this.todaysLunch = todaysLunch
Notice that instead of creating an object using new keyword we passed the reference to an object of Lunch Type as a parameter to our constructor. Here, object creation is outsourced. This code can be wired either using Xml config file (legacy) or Java Annotations (modern). Either way, the decision on which Type of object would be created would be done there during runtime. An object would be injected by Xml into our code - Our Code is dependent on Xml for that job. Hence, Dependency Injection (DI). DI not only helps in making our system loosely coupled, it simplifies writing of Unit tests since it allows dependencies to be mocked. Last but not the least, DI streamlines Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) which leads to further decoupling and increase of modularity. Also note that above DI is Constructor Injection. DI can be done by Setter Injection as well - same plain old setter method from encapsulation.
Spring框架绝对适合web开发,尤其适合restful api服务。
这是因为它的依赖注入和与其他模块的集成,如spring security、spring aop、mvc框架、微服务
在任何应用程序中,安全性都很可能是一个需求。 如果您的目标是构建一个需要长期维护的产品,那么您将需要利用Aop的概念。 如果你的应用程序有太多的流量,从而增加了负载,你需要使用微服务的概念。
Spring在一个平台中提供了所有这些特性。支持多个模块。 最重要的是,spring是开源的和可扩展的框架,在生命周期中到处都有钩子来集成自定义代码。
Spring Data是一个提供与您的项目集成的项目。
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