


Spring handles Dependency Injection and I recommend you read Martin Fowler's excellent introduction on dependency injection. The second thing Spring does is wrap excellent Java libraries in a very elegant way to use in your applications. For a good example see how Spring wraps Task Executors and Quartz Scheduler. Thirdly Spring provides a bunch of implementations of web stuff like REST, an MVC web framework and more. They figure since you are using Spring for the first two, maybe you can just use it for everything your web app needs.

The problem is that Spring DI is really well thought out, the wrappers around other things are really well thought out in that the other things thought everything out and Spring just nicely wraps it. The Spring implementations of MVC and REST and all the other stuff is not as well done (YMMV, IMHO) but there are exceptions (Spring Security is da bomb). So I tend to use Spring for DI, and its cool wrappers but prefer other stuff for Web (I like Tapestry a lot), REST (Jersey is really robust), etc.





Spring真的是一个很棒的工具。(我说的不是Spring MVC,只是基本框架)。


Spring handles Dependency Injection and I recommend you read Martin Fowler's excellent introduction on dependency injection. The second thing Spring does is wrap excellent Java libraries in a very elegant way to use in your applications. For a good example see how Spring wraps Task Executors and Quartz Scheduler. Thirdly Spring provides a bunch of implementations of web stuff like REST, an MVC web framework and more. They figure since you are using Spring for the first two, maybe you can just use it for everything your web app needs.

The problem is that Spring DI is really well thought out, the wrappers around other things are really well thought out in that the other things thought everything out and Spring just nicely wraps it. The Spring implementations of MVC and REST and all the other stuff is not as well done (YMMV, IMHO) but there are exceptions (Spring Security is da bomb). So I tend to use Spring for DI, and its cool wrappers but prefer other stuff for Web (I like Tapestry a lot), REST (Jersey is really robust), etc.

Spring是Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB)技术的一个很好的替代方案。它还具有web框架和web服务框架组件。









Spring包含(正如Skaffman正确指出的那样)MVC框架。简而言之,这里是我的输入。 Spring支持服务层、web层和业务层的分离,但它最擅长的是对象的“注入”。用一个例子解释一下,请看下面的例子:

public interface FourWheel
   public void drive();

public class Sedan implements FourWheel
   public void drive()
      //drive gracefully

public class SUV implements FourWheel
   public void drive()
      //Rule the rough terrain


public class RoadTrip
    private FourWheel myCarForTrip;



这也被称为控制反转。其他可以做到这一点的框架有谷歌guice, Pico container等。


还有很多关于Spring的东西可以在像“Pro Spring”这样的好书中读到。

跟踪url可能也有帮助。 http://static.springframework.org/docs/Spring-MVC-step-by-step/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spring_Framework http://www.theserverside.com/tt/articles/article.tss?l=SpringFramework