通常我只是转储数据库并用一个新名称重新导入它。这不是非常大的数据库的一个选项。重命名数据库| SCHEMA} db_name TO new_db_name做坏事,只存在于少数版本中,总的来说是个坏主意。
通常我只是转储数据库并用一个新名称重新导入它。这不是非常大的数据库的一个选项。重命名数据库| SCHEMA} db_name TO new_db_name做坏事,只存在于少数版本中,总的来说是个坏主意。
使用mysqldump或任何数据库工具备份文件,如heidiSQL,mysql管理员等 在某些文本编辑器中打开备份(例如backupfile.sql)文件。 搜索并替换数据库名称并保存文件。
$ mysqldump -u root -p olddb >~/olddb.sql
$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> create database newdb;
mysql> use newdb
mysql> source ~/olddb.sql
mysql> drop database olddb;
对于那些Mac用户,Sequel Pro在数据库菜单中有一个重命名数据库选项。
-- stored procedure rename_db: Rename a database my means of table copying. -- Caveats: -- Will clobber any existing database with the same name as the 'new' database name. -- ONLY copies tables; stored procedures and other database objects are not copied. -- Tomer Altman ( delimiter // DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS rename_db; CREATE PROCEDURE rename_db(IN old_db VARCHAR(100), IN new_db VARCHAR(100)) BEGIN DECLARE current_table VARCHAR(100); DECLARE done INT DEFAULT 0; DECLARE old_tables CURSOR FOR select table_name from information_schema.tables where table_schema = old_db; DECLARE CONTINUE HANDLER FOR NOT FOUND SET done = 1; SET @output = CONCAT('DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS ', new_db, ';'); PREPARE stmt FROM @output; EXECUTE stmt; SET @output = CONCAT('CREATE SCHEMA IF NOT EXISTS ', new_db, ';'); PREPARE stmt FROM @output; EXECUTE stmt; OPEN old_tables; REPEAT FETCH old_tables INTO current_table; IF NOT done THEN SET @output = CONCAT('alter table ', old_db, '.', current_table, ' rename ', new_db, '.', current_table, ';'); PREPARE stmt FROM @output; EXECUTE stmt; END IF; UNTIL done END REPEAT; CLOSE old_tables; END// delimiter ;
I posted this How do I change the database name using MySQL? today after days of head scratching and hair pulling. The solution is quite simple export a schema to a .sql file and open the file and change the database/schema name in the sql CREAT TABLE section at the top. There are three instances or more and may not be at the top of the page if multible schemas are saved to the file. It is posible to edit the entire database this way but I expect that in large databases it could be quite a pain following all instances of a table property or index.