<!-- 1. Shim missing platform features -->
<script src="polymer-all/platform/platform.js"></script>
<!-- 2. Load a component -->
<link rel="import" href="x-foo.html">
<!-- 3. Declare the component by its tag. -->
angular.module('xfoo', [])
.controller('X-Foo', ['$scope',function($scope) {
$scope.text = 'hey hey!';
.directive('x-foo', function() {
return {
restrict: 'EA',
replace: true,
controller: 'X-Foo',
templateUrl: '/views/x-foo.html',
link: function(scope, controller) {
聚合物是一种Web Components垫片
"Web Components" is a new set of standards that is enveloped by HTML 5 designed to provide reusable building blocks for web applications.
Browsers are at various states of implementing the "Web Components" specification, and therefore it's too early to write HTML using Web Components.
But alas! Polymer to the rescue! Polymer is a library that provides an abstraction layer to your HTML code, allowing it to make use of the Web Components API as if it were fully implemented in all browsers. This is called poly-filling, and the Polymer team distributes this library as webcomponents.js. This used to be called platform.js btw.
所有元素都可以定制和扩展。它们被用作从社交小部件到动画到web API客户端的任何东西的构建块。
Polymer is more of a library than a framework.
Polymer does not have support for things like routes, application scope, controllers, etc.
But it does have two-way binding, and using components "feels" just like using Angular directives.
Although there are some overlaps between Polymer and AngularJS, they are not the same. In fact, the AngularJS team has mentioned utilizing Polymer libraries in upcoming releases.
Also note that Polymer is still considered "bleeding edge" while AngularJS is stabilizing.
It will be interesting to watch both of these Google projects evolve!
聚合物是一种Web Components垫片
"Web Components" is a new set of standards that is enveloped by HTML 5 designed to provide reusable building blocks for web applications.
Browsers are at various states of implementing the "Web Components" specification, and therefore it's too early to write HTML using Web Components.
But alas! Polymer to the rescue! Polymer is a library that provides an abstraction layer to your HTML code, allowing it to make use of the Web Components API as if it were fully implemented in all browsers. This is called poly-filling, and the Polymer team distributes this library as webcomponents.js. This used to be called platform.js btw.
所有元素都可以定制和扩展。它们被用作从社交小部件到动画到web API客户端的任何东西的构建块。
Polymer is more of a library than a framework.
Polymer does not have support for things like routes, application scope, controllers, etc.
But it does have two-way binding, and using components "feels" just like using Angular directives.
Although there are some overlaps between Polymer and AngularJS, they are not the same. In fact, the AngularJS team has mentioned utilizing Polymer libraries in upcoming releases.
Also note that Polymer is still considered "bleeding edge" while AngularJS is stabilizing.
It will be interesting to watch both of these Google projects evolve!
To an architect: Very different. Angular is an application framework responsible for all aspects of your life. It even has directives vertically integrated in case you want component like features. Polymer on the other hand is more like pay-as-you-go. You want a modal, sure thing, you want an interactive widget, no problem, you want route handling, we can do that to. Polymer is also more portable in that Angular requires an Angular app to reuse directives. The idea with Polymer is be more moduler and will work in other apps, even Angular apps.
聚合物是一种朝向利用新的网络组件标准的方法。如果本地支持自定义元素、Shadow DOM和HTML导入等特性,那么不利用它们将是愚蠢的。目前,大多数web组件的功能还没有得到广泛的支持(目前的状态),所以聚合物充当垫片或桥梁。有点像一个填充(事实上它确实使用填充)。
1 & 2) Polymer components are scoped because of their hidden tree in the shadow dom. That means that their style and behaviour cannot bleed out. Angular is not scoped to that particular directive you create like a polymer web component. An angular directive could possibly conflict with something in your global scope. IMO the benefit you will get from polymer is what I explained.. modular components that have scoped css & JavaScript to that particular component that nothing can touch. Untouchable DOM!
Angular directives can be created so that you can annotate an element with several pieces of functionality. In Polymer web components that is not the case. If you want to combine functionality of components you include two components into another component (or wrap them in another component) or you can extend an existing component. Remember the main difference still is that each component is scoped in polymer web components. You can share css & js files across several components or you can inline them.
3)是的,根据Rob Dodson和Eric Bidelman的说法,Angular计划在版本2+中加入聚合物
在我写这篇文章的时候,我又读了一遍答案,我注意到埃里克·比德尔曼(Eric Bidelman)在他的回答中提到了这一点:
Shadow DOM允许组合HTML片段,同时也是封装HTML的工具。”
我的答案来自于对Rob Dodson和Eric Bidelman的多次采访。但我觉得这个答案的措辞并没有让这个人的问题得到他想要的理解。话虽如此,我认为我已经触及了他正在寻找的答案,但在这个问题上,我所掌握的信息绝不比Rob Dodson和Eric Bidelman更多
JavaScript Jabber -聚合物与Rob Dodson和Eric Bidelman
I think from a practical perspective, in the end the template feature of angular directives, and the web component methodology leveraged by polymer both accomplish the same task. The major differences as I can see it are that polymer leverages web APIs to include bits of HTML, a more syntactically correct, and simplistic way of achieving what Angular does programatically as it renders templates. Polymer is however as has been stated, a small framework for building declarative and interactive templates using components. It is made available for UI design purposes only, and is only supported in the most modern browsers. AngularJS is a complete MVC framework designed to make web applications declarative by use of data bindings, dependencies, and directives. They're two completely different animals. To your question, it seems to me at this point you'll get no major benefit from using polymer over angular, except having dozens of pre built components, however that would still require you to port those over to angular directives. In the future however, as the web APIs become more advanced, web components will completely remove the need to programatically define and build templates as the browser will be able to simply include them in a similar way to how it handles javascript or css files.