
    <!-- 1. Shim missing platform features -->
    <script src="polymer-all/platform/platform.js"></script>
    <!-- 2. Load a component -->
    <link rel="import" href="x-foo.html">
    <!-- 3. Declare the component by its tag. -->



angular.module('xfoo', [])
.controller('X-Foo', ['$scope',function($scope) {
    $scope.text = 'hey hey!';
.directive('x-foo', function() {
    return {
        restrict: 'EA',
        replace: true,
        controller: 'X-Foo',
        templateUrl: '/views/x-foo.html',
        link: function(scope, controller) {

这两者之间有什么区别? 有哪些问题是聚合物解决了,而AngularJS还没有或不会解决的? 将来有计划把Polymer和AngularJS绑定在一起吗?


I think from a practical perspective, in the end the template feature of angular directives, and the web component methodology leveraged by polymer both accomplish the same task. The major differences as I can see it are that polymer leverages web APIs to include bits of HTML, a more syntactically correct, and simplistic way of achieving what Angular does programatically as it renders templates. Polymer is however as has been stated, a small framework for building declarative and interactive templates using components. It is made available for UI design purposes only, and is only supported in the most modern browsers. AngularJS is a complete MVC framework designed to make web applications declarative by use of data bindings, dependencies, and directives. They're two completely different animals. To your question, it seems to me at this point you'll get no major benefit from using polymer over angular, except having dozens of pre built components, however that would still require you to port those over to angular directives. In the future however, as the web APIs become more advanced, web components will completely remove the need to programatically define and build templates as the browser will be able to simply include them in a similar way to how it handles javascript or css files.


Angular指令在概念上类似于自定义元素,但它们的实现不使用Web组件api。Angular指令是构建自定义元素的一种方式,但Polymer和Web Components规范是基于标准的方式。


<polymer-element name="user-preferences" attributes="email">
    <img src="https://secure.user-preferences.com/path/{{userID}}" />
    Polymer('user-preferences', {
      ready: function() {
        this.userID= md5(this.email);


app.directive('user-preferences', ['md5', function() {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    link: function(scope, element, attrs) {
      scope.userID= md5(attrs.email);
    template: '<img src="https://secure.user-preferences.com/path/{{userID}}" />'


Polymer's webcomponents.js is a library that contains several polyfills for various W3C APIs that fall under the Web Components umbrella. These are: Custom Elements HTML Imports <template> Shadow DOM Pointer Events others The left-nav in the documentation (polymer-project.org) has a page for all of these "Platform technologies". Each of those pages also has a pointer to the individual polyfill. <link rel="import" href="x-foo.html"> is an HTML Import. Imports are a useful tool for including HTML in other HTML. You can include <script>, <link>, markup, or whatever else in an import. Nothing "links" <x-foo> to x-foo.html. In your example, it's assumed the Custom Element definition of <x-foo> (e.g. <element name="x-foo">) is defined in x-foo.html. When the browser sees that definition, it's registered as a new element.









请看Alex Russell的回答。基本上,Shadow DOM允许组合HTML片段,但也是封装HTML的工具。这基本上是web上的一个新概念,其他框架也会加以利用。






在我看来,这是一个巨大的胜利。在web开发人员拥有强大工具(Shadow DOM, Custom Elements)的世界中,框架作者也可以利用这些原语来创建更好的框架。他们中的大多数人目前都经历了重重困难才能“完成工作”。







Angularjs directive is an approach for making custom elements. you can define new custom tags with custom attributes. Polymer can also do this but it'll do in an interesting and more simple way.Polymer actually is not a framework it's just a library.but a powerful and amazing library that you can fall in love with it (like me). Polymer let you learn the native web components technology made by w3c, that web browsers eventually implementing it.web component is the future technology, but polymer let you use that technology right now.Google Polymer is a library that provides syntactic sugar and polyfills for building elements and applications with web components.Remember that I said polymer is not a framework and it's a library.But when you're using Polymer, actually your framework is DOM.this post was about angular js ver 1 and polymer and I has been worked with both of them is my projects and I personally prefer polymer over angularjs. But Angular version 2 is completely different in compare of angularjs ver 1.directive in angular 2 has a different meaning.

在这个视频中,来自AngularJS的两个家伙讨论了这两个框架(AngularJS 1.2和超越版本)的异同。


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W13qDdJDHp8&feature=share&t=56m34s http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W13qDdJDHp8&feature=share&t=59m8s