编辑:如果我将证书放入受信任的根证书颁发机构,Internet Explorer 7将不会显示任何错误。即使有证书,ie8似乎也会显示错误。
编辑:如果我将证书放入受信任的根证书颁发机构,Internet Explorer 7将不会显示任何错误。即使有证书,ie8似乎也会显示错误。
Browse to the site whose certificate you want to trust. When told “There is a problem with this website's security certificate.”, choose “Continue to this website (not recommended).” Select Tools➞Internet Options. Select Security➞Trusted sites➞Sites. Confirm the URL matches, and click “Add” then “Close”. Close the “Internet Options” dialog box with either “OK” or “Cancel”. Refresh the current page. When told “There is a problem with this website's security certificate.”, choose “Continue to this website (not recommended).” Click on “Certificate Error” at the right of the address bar and select “View certificates”. Click on “Install Certificate...”, then in the wizard, click “Next”. On the next page select “Place all certificates in the following store”. Click “Browse”, select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities”, and click “OK”. Back in the wizard, click “Next”, then “Finish”. If you get a “Security Warning” message box, click “Yes”. Dismiss the message box with “OK”. Select Tools➞Internet Options. Select Security➞Trusted sites➞Sites. Select the URL you just added, click “Remove”, then “Close”. Now shut down all running instances of IE, and start up IE again. The site’s certificate should now be trusted.
这可能会帮助一些人,我在IE11 windows 7和我所做的除了安装证书是去互联网选项==> advance标签==>安全==>“删除检查”从警告证书地址不匹配除了下面-别忘了关闭所有IE实例并重新启动-完成后:
1 .启动ie浏览器。
2 .使用计算机名浏览服务器计算机(忽略证书警告)
3-点击屏幕上方“Certificate Error”文本,选择“View certificates”
6 .安装到受信任的根证书。
我尝试了上面提到的所有解决方案,但没有一个奏效。使用Internet Explorer 11(11.0.9600.17914),无法接受无效证书,因为错误看起来完全像404。
有帮助的是以下几点: -添加主机到可信站点(在这里提到过几次) —禁用TLS 1.2,启用SSL 1.0和SSL 2.0
Go to the website in question, https://xxx.yyy.com, for instance, Click through until you get to the Certificate error in the browser status line. View the cert, then from the Details tab, select Copy to File. Save to the desktop as xxx.cer, for example, Start, Run, MMC. File, Add/Remove Snap-In, Select Certificates, Click Add, My User Account, then Finish, then OK, Dig down to Trust Root Certification Authorities, Certificates, Right-Click Certificate, Select All Tasks, Import, Select the Save Cert from the Desktop Select Place all Certificates in the following Store, Click Browse, Check the Box that says Show Physical Stores, Expand out Trusted Root Certification Authorities, and select Local Computer there, click OK, Complete the Import, Check the list to make sure it shows up. You will probably need to Refresh before you see it. Exit MMC, Open Browser, select Tools, Delete Browsing History Select all but Inprivate Filtering Data, complete, Go to Internet Options, Content Tab, Clear SSL State, Close browser and reopen and test.
伙计,今天我花了几个小时来解决这个问题。无论我在IE 8中做了什么,问题仍然存在。IE安装的证书出现在客户端PC的“受信任的根证书颁发机构”中,但IE仍然报错。
Win+R, MMC,回车。 文件,添加-删除管理单元,证书,添加,管理证书:我的用户帐户, 完成。 导航到“证书-当前用户/受信任的根证书颁发机构/证书”。 找到您的证书,右键单击All tasks / Export。 不,不要导出私钥 "DER编码二进制X.509 (.CER)" 将文件保存在某个地方。 将新创建的. cer文件传输到客户端PC上。
Win+R, MMC, Enter. File, Add-Remove snap-in, Certificates, Add, Manage certificates for: my user account, Finish, OK. Navigate to "Certificates - current user / Trusted Root Certification Authorities / Certificates". Right-click on Certificates container, All tasks / Import Choose your .CER file you've transferred from the server machine. On the next screen, choose "Place all certificates in the following store", click "Browse", check "Show physical stores", then choose "Trusted Root Certification Authorities / Local Computer". Press "Finish" finally. In Internet Explorer: Tools - Delete browsing History, In Internet Explorer: Tools - Internet options - "Content" tab - Clear SSL state button.
安装证书本身是不够的,相反,您需要安装证书颁发机构的根证书。假设如果您使用Win Server的证书服务,那么它的根证书是在该服务器上安装CS时创建的,将被安装。它必须安装到前面描述的“受信任的根证书颁发机构”。