是否可以使用scikit-learn K-Means聚类来指定自己的距离函数?


Sklearn Kmeans使用欧几里得距离。它没有度量参数。也就是说,如果你在聚类时间序列,你可以使用tslearn python包,当你可以指定一个度量(dtw, softdtw,欧几里得)。


The Affinity propagation algorithm from the sklearn library allows you to pass the similarity matrix instead of the samples. So, you can use your metric to compute the similarity matrix (not the dissimilarity matrix) and pass it to the function by setting the "affinity" term to "precomputed".https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation.html#sklearn.cluster.AffinityPropagation.fit In terms of the K-Mean, I think it is also possible but I have not tried it. However, as the other answers stated, finding the mean using a different metric will be the issue. Instead, you can use PAM (K-Medoids) algorthim as it calculates the change in Total Deviation (TD), thus it does not rely on the distance metric. https://python-kmedoids.readthedocs.io/en/latest/#fasterpam

Sklearn Kmeans使用欧几里得距离。它没有度量参数。也就是说,如果你在聚类时间序列,你可以使用tslearn python包,当你可以指定一个度量(dtw, softdtw,欧几里得)。





def distance_metrics(dist_metrics):
    kmeans_instance = kmeans(trs_data, initial_centers, metric=dist_metrics)

    label = np.zeros(210, dtype=int)
    for i in range(0, len(clusters)):
        for index, j in enumerate(clusters[i]):
            label[j] = i