在Android API 11+中,谷歌发布了一个名为Fragment的新类。

在视频中,谷歌建议,只要可能(link1, link2),我们应该使用片段而不是活动,但他们没有解释确切的原因。



使用片段的目的是什么? 与使用活动/视图/布局相比,使用片段的优点和缺点是什么?


您能否为片段提供一些真正有趣的用途?谷歌在他们的视频里没有提到的事情? 在片段和包含它们的活动之间进行通信的最佳方式是什么? 当你使用片段时,最重要的事情是什么?从你的经验中有什么建议和警告吗?



A rule of thumb on when not to use Fragment is when as a child the fragment has a conflicting attribute, e.g., it may be immersive or may be using a different style all together or has some other architectural / logical difference and doesn't fit in the existing tree homogeneously. A rule of thumb on when to prefer Activity over Fragment is when the task (or set of coherent task) is fully independent and reusable and does some heavy weight lifting and should not be burdened further to conform to another parent-child composite (SRP violation, second responsibility would be to conform to the composite). For e.g., a MediaCaptureActivity that captures audio, video, photos etc and allows for edits, noise removal, annotations on photos etc and so on. This activity/module may have child fragments that do more granular work and conform to a common display theme.



它自己的生命周期 自己的布局 它自己的子片段等等。



A rule of thumb on when not to use Fragment is when as a child the fragment has a conflicting attribute, e.g., it may be immersive or may be using a different style all together or has some other architectural / logical difference and doesn't fit in the existing tree homogeneously. A rule of thumb on when to prefer Activity over Fragment is when the task (or set of coherent task) is fully independent and reusable and does some heavy weight lifting and should not be burdened further to conform to another parent-child composite (SRP violation, second responsibility would be to conform to the composite). For e.g., a MediaCaptureActivity that captures audio, video, photos etc and allows for edits, noise removal, annotations on photos etc and so on. This activity/module may have child fragments that do more granular work and conform to a common display theme.


In short, fragments live inside activities, and each activity can host many fragments. Like activities, they have a specific lifecycle, unlike activities, they are not top-level application components. Advantages of fragments include code reuse and modularity (e.g., using the same list view in many activities), including the ability to build multi-pane interfaces (mostly useful on tablets). The main disadvantage is (some) added complexity. You can generally achieve the same thing with (custom) views in a non-standard and less robust way.





活动是应用程序中带有工具栏的全屏组件,其他的最好是片段。 一个带有工具栏的全屏父活动可以有多个窗格、可滚动页面、对话框等(所有片段),所有这些都可以从父活动访问并通过父活动进行通信。



所有的活动都需要有相同的代码重复,以显示基本 工具栏,或者从父活动继承 管理起来很麻烦)。 要从一个活动移动到另一个活动,要么所有活动都需要在内存中(开销),要么需要销毁一个活动以便打开另一个活动。 活动之间的通信可以通过intent完成。



没有代码重复,所有屏幕都有来自该活动的工具栏等。 几种方法从一个片段移动到下一个视图页,多窗格等。 活动拥有最多的数据,因此需要最少的片段间通信。如果仍然需要,可以通过接口轻松完成。 片段不需要全屏显示,在设计上有很大的灵活性。 如果不需要视图,则片段不需要扩展布局。 多个活动可以使用相同的片段。