在Android API 11+中,谷歌发布了一个名为Fragment的新类。

在视频中,谷歌建议,只要可能(link1, link2),我们应该使用片段而不是活动,但他们没有解释确切的原因。



使用片段的目的是什么? 与使用活动/视图/布局相比,使用片段的优点和缺点是什么?


您能否为片段提供一些真正有趣的用途?谷歌在他们的视频里没有提到的事情? 在片段和包含它们的活动之间进行通信的最佳方式是什么? 当你使用片段时,最重要的事情是什么?从你的经验中有什么建议和警告吗?




A fragment has its own layout and its own behavior with its own lifecycle callbacks. You can add or remove fragments in an activity while the activity is running. You can combine multiple fragments in a single activity to build a multi-pane UI. A fragment can be used in multiple activities. The fragment life cycle is closely related to the lifecycle of its host activity. When the activity is paused, all the fragments available in the acivity will also be stopped. A fragment can implement a behavior that has no user interface component. Fragments were added to the Android API in Android 3 (Honeycomb) with API version 11.




Historically each screen in an Android app was implemented as a separate Activity. This creates a challenge in passing information between screens because the Android Intent mechanism does not allow passing a reference type (i.e. object) directly between Activities. Instead the object must be serialized or a globally accessible reference made available. By making each screen a separate Fragment, this data passing headache is completely avoided. Fragments always exist within the context of a given Activity and can always access that Activity. By storing the information of interest within the Activity, the Fragment for each screen can simply access the object reference through the Activity.







Frags can be used to populate Menus and can handle MenuItem clicks on their own. Thus giving futher modulation options for your Activities. You can do ContextualActionBar stuff and so on without your Activity knowing about it and can basically decouple it from the basic stuff your Activity handles (Navigation/Settings/About). A parent Frag with child Frags can give you further options to modulize your components. E.g. you can easily swap Frags around, put new Frags inside a Pager or remove them, rearrange them. All without your Activity knowing anything about it just focusing on the higher level stuff.


答: 处理器件形状因子差异。 在应用程序屏幕之间传递信息。 用户界面组织。 高级UI隐喻。