请记住,我将在lat / long对上执行计算,什么数据类型最适合与MySQL数据库一起使用?





Datatype           Bytes       resolution
------------------ -----  --------------------------------
Deg*100 (SMALLINT)     4  1570 m    1.0 mi  Cities
DECIMAL(4,2)/(5,2)     5  1570 m    1.0 mi  Cities
SMALLINT scaled        4   682 m    0.4 mi  Cities
Deg*10000 (MEDIUMINT)  6    16 m     52 ft  Houses/Businesses
DECIMAL(6,4)/(7,4)     7    16 m     52 ft  Houses/Businesses
MEDIUMINT scaled       6   2.7 m    8.8 ft
FLOAT                  8   1.7 m    5.6 ft
DECIMAL(8,6)/(9,6)     9    16cm    1/2 ft  Friends in a mall
Deg*10000000 (INT)     8    16mm    5/8 in  Marbles
DOUBLE                16   3.5nm     ...    Fleas on a dog



最精确的可用选项是DOUBLE。 最常见的使用类型是DECIMAL(8,6)/(9,6)。

从MySQL 5.7开始,考虑使用空间数据类型(SDT),特别是POINT来存储单个坐标。在5.7之前,SDT不支持索引(5.6除外,当表类型为MyISAM时)。


使用POINT类时,用于存储坐标的参数的顺序必须是POINT(纬度,经度)。 创建空间索引有一种特殊的语法。 使用SDT的最大好处是您可以访问空间分析函数,例如计算两点之间的距离(ST_Distance)和确定一个点是否包含在另一个区域(ST_Contains)。


空间键将为您提供更多的功能,但在生产基准测试中,浮点数比空间键快得多。(在AVG中0,01 VS 0,001)

我建议您使用浮动数据类型的SQL Server。



if you are relying on Google for showing your maps, markers, polygons, whatever, then let the calculations be done by Google! you save resources on your server and you simply store the latitude and longitude together as a single string (VARCHAR), E.g.: "-0000.0000001,-0000.000000000000001" (35 length and if a number has more than 7 decimal digits then it gets rounded); if Google returns more than 7 decimal digits per number, you can get that data stored in your string anyway, just in case you want to detect some flees or microbes in the future; you can use their distance matrix or their geometry library for calculating distances or detecting points in certain areas with calls as simple as this: google.maps.geometry.poly.containsLocation(latLng, bermudaTrianglePolygon)) there are plenty of "server-side" APIs you can use (in Python, Ruby on Rails, PHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Yii, Zend Framework, etc.) that use Google Maps API.
