

把这个问题放在java 7中的NIO和NIO.2上下文中,异步IO比非阻塞先进了一步。 使用java NIO非阻塞调用,可以通过调用abstractselectablecchannel . configureblocking (false)来设置所有通道(SocketChannel、ServerSocketChannel、FileChannel等)。 然而,在这些IO调用返回之后,您可能仍然需要控制检查,例如是否以及何时再次读/写等等。 例如,

while (!isDataEnough()) {
    // do something else and then read again

使用java 7中的异步api,可以以更通用的方式创建这些控件。 两种方法之一是使用CompletionHandler。注意,两个读调用都是非阻塞的。

asyncsocket.read(inputBuffer, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS /* 60 secs for timeout */, 
    new CompletionHandler<Integer, Object>() {
        public void completed(Integer result, Object attachment) {...}  
        public void failed(Throwable e, Object attachment) {...}



One interpretation is that the call will do something in the background essentially unsupervised in order to allow the program to not be held up by a lengthy process that it does not need to control. Playing audio might be an example - a program could call a function to play (say) an mp3, and from that point on could continue on to other things while leaving it to the OS to manage the process of rendering the audio on the sound hardware. The alternative interpretation is that the call will do something that the program will need to monitor, but will allow most of the process to occur in the background only notifying the program at critical points in the process. For example, asynchronous file IO might be an example - the program supplies a buffer to the operating system to write to file, and the OS only notifies the program when the operation is complete or an error occurs.



synchronous asynchonous
block Block I/O must be a synchronus I/O, becuase it has to be executed in order. Synchronous I/O might not be block I/O Not exist
non-block Non-block and Synchronous I/O at the same time is polling/multi-plexing.. Non-block and Asynchronous I/O at the same time is parallel execution, such as signal trigger…

block/non-block描述了初始化实体本身的行为,它意味着实体在等待I/O完成期间所做的事情 同步/异步描述了I/O初始化实体和I/O执行器(例如操作系统)之间的行为,它意味着这两个实体是否可以并行执行



function sum(a,b){
return a+b;


