




Typically when you're tempted to test a class's private method, it's a design smell. You can test them through the public interface (which is how you want to test them, because that's how the client will call/use them). You can get a false sense of security by seeing the green light on all the passing tests for your private methods. It is much better/safer to test edge cases on your private functions through your public interface. You risk severe test duplication (tests that look/feel very similar) by testing private methods. This has major consequences when requirements change, as many more tests than necessary will break. It can also put you in a position where it is hard to refactor because of your test suite...which is the ultimate irony, because the test suite is there to help you safely redesign and refactor!





One of the most common (anti)paterns that I see is what Michael Feathers calls an "Iceberg" class (if you don't know who Michael Feathers is, go buy/read his book "Working Effectively with Legacy Code". He is a person worth knowing about if you are a professional software engineer/developer). There are other (anti)patterns that cause this issue to crop up, but this is by far the most common one I've stumbled across. "Iceberg" classes have one public method, and the rest are private (which is why it's tempting to test the private methods). It's called an "Iceberg" class because there is usually a lone public method poking up, but the rest of the functionality is hidden underwater in the form of private methods. It might look something like this:


TEST_THAT(RuleEvaluator, canParseSpaceDelimtedTokens)
    input_string = "1 2 test bar"
    re = RuleEvaluator(input_string);

    ASSERT re.GetNextToken() IS "1";
    ASSERT re.GetNextToken() IS "2";
    ASSERT re.GetNextToken() IS "test";
    ASSERT re.GetNextToken() IS "bar";
    ASSERT re.HasMoreTokens() IS FALSE;

Well, that actually looks pretty nice. We'd want to make sure we maintain this behavior as we make changes. But GetNextToken() is a private function! So we can't test it like this, because it wont even compile (assuming we are using some language that actually enforces public/private, unlike some scripting languages like Python). But what about changing the RuleEvaluator class to follow the Single Responsibility Principle (Single Responsibility Principle)? For instance, we seem to have a parser, tokenizer, and evaluator jammed into one class. Wouldn't it be better to just separate those responsibilities? On top of that, if you create a Tokenizer class, then it's public methods would be HasMoreTokens() and GetNextTokens(). The RuleEvaluator class could have a Tokenizer object as a member. Now, we can keep the same test as above, except we are testing the Tokenizer class instead of the RuleEvaluator class.




TEST_THAT(Tokenizer, canParseSpaceDelimtedTokens)
    input_string = "1 2 test bar"
    tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_string);

    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "1";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "2";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "test";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "bar";
    ASSERT tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() IS FALSE;


Even if you don't think you can break your problem down into fewer modular components (which you can 95% of the time if you just try to do it), you can simply test the private functions through a public interface. Many times private members aren't worth testing because they will be tested through the public interface. A lot of times what I see is tests that look very similar, but test two different functions/methods. What ends up happening is that when requirements change (and they always do), you now have 2 broken tests instead of 1. And if you really tested all your private methods, you might have more like 10 broken tests instead of 1. In short, testing private functions (by using FRIEND_TEST or making them public or using reflection) that could otherwise be tested through a public interface can cause test duplication. You really don't want this, because nothing hurts more than your test suite slowing you down. It's supposed to decrease development time and decrease maintenance costs! If you test private methods that are otherwise tested through a public interface, the test suite may very well do the opposite, and actively increase maintenance costs and increase development time. When you make a private function public, or if you use something like FRIEND_TEST and/or reflection, you'll usually end up regretting it in the long run.



TEST_THAT(Tokenizer, canParseSpaceDelimtedTokens)
    input_string = "1 2 test bar"
    tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_string);

    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "1";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "2";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "test";
    ASSERT tokenizer.GetNextToken() IS "bar";
    ASSERT tokenizer.HasMoreTokens() IS false;


TEST_THAT(TokenizerTest, canGenerateSpaceDelimtedTokens)
    input_string = "1 2 test bar"
    tokenizer = Tokenizer(input_string);
    result_array = tokenizer.SplitUpByDelimiter(" ");

    ASSERT result.size() IS 4;
    ASSERT result[0] IS "1";
    ASSERT result[1] IS "2";
    ASSERT result[2] IS "test";
    ASSERT result[3] IS "bar";




I've worked extensively with legacy systems (which is why I'm such a big Michael Feathers fan), and I can safely say that sometimes it is simply safest to just test the private functionality. It can be especially helpful for getting "characterization tests" into the baseline. You're in a rush, and have to do the fastest thing possible for here and now. In the long run, you don't want to test private methods. But I will say that it usually takes some time to refactor to address design issues. And sometimes you have to ship in a week. That's okay: do the quick and dirty and test the private methods using a groping tool if that's what you think is the fastest and most reliable way to get the job done. But understand that what you did was suboptimal in the long run, and please consider coming back to it (or, if it was forgotten about but you see it later, fix it).



As an aside, I really don't like people using TDD as an excuse for testing private methods. I practice TDD, and I do not think TDD forces you to do this. You can write your test (for your public interface) first, and then write code to satisfy that interface. Sometimes I write a test for a public interface, and I'll satisfy it by writing one or two smaller private methods as well (but I don't test the private methods directly, but I know they work or my public test would be failing). If I need to test edge cases of that private method, I'll write a whole bunch of tests that will hit them through my public interface. If you can't figure out how to hit the edge cases, this is a strong sign you need to refactor into small components each with their own public methods. It's a sign your private functions are doing too much, and outside the scope of the class.

Also, sometimes I find I write a test that is too big of a bite to chew at the moment, and so I think "eh I'll come back to that test later when I have more of an API to work with" (I'll comment it out and keep it in the back of my mind). This is where a lot of devs I've met will then start writing tests for their private functionality, using TDD as the scapegoat. They say "oh, well I need some other test, but in order to write that test, I'll need these private methods. Therefore, since I can't write any production code without writing a test, I need to write a test for a private method." But what they really need to be doing is refactoring into smaller and reusable components instead of adding/testing a bunch of private methods to their current class.



附注:以下是Michael Feathers关于冰山课程和探索工具的相关讲座:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4cVZvoFGJTU

我倾向于遵循Dave Thomas和Andy Hunt在他们的书《实用单元测试》中的建议:

一般来说,为了不破坏任何封装 测试(或者就像妈妈常说的,“不要暴露你的私处!”)。大多数 此时,您应该能够通过执行类的 公共方法。如果隐藏了重要的功能 在私人或受保护访问的背后,这可能是一个警告信号 还有一群人在里面挣扎着想出来。




public bool allPrime(int a, int b, int c)
  return andAll(isPrime(a), isPrime(b), isPrime(c))

private bool andAll(bool... boolArray)
  foreach (bool b in boolArray)
    if(b == false) return false;
  return true;

private bool isPrime(int x){
  //Implementation to go here. Sorry if you were expecting a prime sieve.


作为测试人员,我们可能对每个参数的五种可能性感兴趣:< 0,= 0,= 1,质数> 1,而不是质数> 1。但为了彻底,我们还必须看看每个参数的组合是如何发挥作用的。根据我们的直觉,我们需要5*5*5 = 125个测试用例来彻底测试这个函数。

On the other hand, if we were allowed to test the private functions, we could cover as much ground with fewer test cases. We'd need only 5 test cases to test isPrime to the same level as our previous intuition. And by the small scope hypothesis proposed by Daniel Jackson, we'd only need to test the andAll function up to a small length e.g. 3 or 4. Which would be at most 16 more tests. So 21 tests in total. Instead of 125. Of course, we probably would want to run a few tests on allPrime, but we wouldn't feel so obliged to cover exhaustively all 125 combinations of input scenarios we said we cared about. Just a few happy paths.




现在,执行这项政策的副作用是,我的许多非常大的公共职能被划分为许多更集中的,更好地命名为私人职能。 公共功能仍然存在(当然)但本质上被简化为所有那些私人的“子功能”




