我已经安装了Visual Studio 15 Preview 3,并尝试使用新的元组功能

static void Main(string[] args)
    var x = DoSomething();

static (int x, int y) DoSomething()
    return (1, 2);






We were seeing this same issue in one of our old projects that was targeting Framework 4.5.2. I tried several scenarios including all of the ones listed above: target 4.6.1, add System.ValueTuple package, delete bin, obj, and .vs folders. No dice. Repeat the same process for 4.7.2. Then tried removing the System.ValueTuple package since I was targeting 4.7.2 as one commenter suggested. Still nothing. Checked csproj file reference path. Looks right. Even dropped back down to 4.5.2 and installing the package again. All this with several VS restarts and deleting the same folders several times. Literally nothing worked.



我不建议将ValueTuple作为包引用添加到.net Framework项目中。如你所知,这个程序集可以从4.7 . net Framework中获得。



自由 网络

Lib包含ValueTuple, Web使用Lib。事实证明,由于一些未知的原因,Web在试图解析ValueTuple的路径时,将HintPath导入到. net Framework目录,并且采用了错误的版本。我们的应用程序因此崩溃了。在Web的.csproj中没有定义ValueTuple,也没有为该程序集定义HintPath。这个问题很奇怪。通常它会从包文件夹复制程序集。这次不正常。

对我来说,添加系统总是有风险的。*包引用。他们通常就像定时炸弹。他们一开始还好,但在最糟糕的时刻,他们可能会在你面前爆发。我的经验法则是:不要使用System。*如果不需要。net Framework的Nuget包。


对于Visual Studio Code,使用内置的终端并运行:

dotnet add package "System.ValueTuple"


它是. net Framework 4.7的一部分。

只要你的目标不是上面的框架或更高的框架(或。net Core 2.0 / . net Standard 2.0),你就需要引用ValueTuple。通过添加系统来完成此操作。ValueTuple NuGet包

当我从。net 4.6.2升级到。net 4.7.2时,我也遇到了这个问题。不幸的是,我无法删除对系统的包引用。ValueTuple,因为我使用的另一个NuGet包依赖于它。

最终我找到了根本原因:在项目文件夹中有一个。net 4.6.2版本的mscorlib.dll(发布操作的输出),MSBuild决定引用这个程序集,而不是位于C:\Program Files (x86)\Reference Assemblies\Microsoft\Framework\.NETFramework\v4.7.2的官方。net 4.7.2参考程序集。

由于系统。ValueTuple是在。net 4.7中引入的,MSBuild编译失败,因为它在。net 4.6.2的参考程序集中找不到该类型。


We were seeing this same issue in one of our old projects that was targeting Framework 4.5.2. I tried several scenarios including all of the ones listed above: target 4.6.1, add System.ValueTuple package, delete bin, obj, and .vs folders. No dice. Repeat the same process for 4.7.2. Then tried removing the System.ValueTuple package since I was targeting 4.7.2 as one commenter suggested. Still nothing. Checked csproj file reference path. Looks right. Even dropped back down to 4.5.2 and installing the package again. All this with several VS restarts and deleting the same folders several times. Literally nothing worked.
