如何将我的Android模拟器连接到互联网,例如使用浏览器?我已经找到了很多关于如何通过代理连接的建议,但这里不是这样,我的机器(Windows 7)是直接连接到路由器的。
环境:Windows 7 64位
在我的例子中,我必须在verbose模式下运行模拟器(emulator -verbose -avd Nexus_6_API_25)来找出模拟器检测到两个DNS服务器的事实,如下所示。
环境:Windows 7 64位
在我的例子中,我必须在verbose模式下运行模拟器(emulator -verbose -avd Nexus_6_API_25)来找出模拟器检测到两个DNS服务器的事实,如下所示。
读完这篇文章后,我决定看看我的“网卡”。我把它放在引号里,因为像许多人一样,我正在为Hamachi和virtual Box等设备运行虚拟网卡。在我禁用了Hamachi之后,我可以使用互联网了。我的猜测是模拟器选择第一个可用的nic,而不管它是否是虚拟的。现在来看看我是否可以重新安排我的nic订单而不撕裂我的盒子。
Windows 7 32位
I have Mac OS X 10.7.2, Eclipse Helios Service Release 2. I also work via Proxy and my IP settings are via DHCP. I solved this issue firstly using this article http://www.gitshah.com/2011/02/android-fixing-no-internet-connection.html, then I removed Emulator settings and just go to Run->Run Configurations->Target->Additional Emulator Command Line Options and type there -http-proxy xxx.xx.111.1:3128 . Also I would like to say that when I typed also a DNS like this: -dns-server xxx.xx.111.1 -http-proxy xxx.xx.111.1:3128 it did not work, but when I removed DNS it worked. Also I would like to note, that Additional Emulator Command Line Options are not visible without scrolling to the bottom of that window. I also want to note, that when you change emulator options, all apps will work. But If you write Additional Emulator Command Line Options, you need to write them every time for every app target in Run Configurations.
在启动模拟器时,我总是有这个“没有找到DNS服务器”的错误,并对谷歌进行了大量的研究,但无济于事。不管怎样,我在某个地方发现了一个帖子(再也找不到它了),它说nic的数量,DNS条目的数量会影响模拟器。此外,知道模拟器使用Windows API函数(GetNetworkParams())来解析DNS条目,我不能依赖于% Windows %\System32\Hosts文件。
然而,我在nic属性中(在Windows 7上)发现我指定了一个静态IP,但没有DNS条目。因此,我从路由器获取了DNS条目,并将它们插入NICs属性中。我重新启动模拟器,现在它正在使用正确的DNS条目!
I think some of the answers may have addressed this, however obliquely, but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed, the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN, but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So, how to fix? Simple: Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections, find your LAN card, right click it and choose disable. Now try your emulator. If you're like me, it suddenly ... works!
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