如何将我的Android模拟器连接到互联网,例如使用浏览器?我已经找到了很多关于如何通过代理连接的建议,但这里不是这样,我的机器(Windows 7)是直接连接到路由器的。


I think some of the answers may have addressed this, however obliquely, but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed, the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN, but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So, how to fix? Simple: Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections, find your LAN card, right click it and choose disable. Now try your emulator. If you're like me, it suddenly ... works!


在尝试了以上所有的解决方案后,我发现在mac os x上:

您必须在系统首选项>> network >> gear图标中检查网络设备的顺序 您必须在/etc/resolv.conf中检查DNS服务器的顺序


如果你使用的是MacOS 2.2,并且你一直看到关于数据连接的错误,尝试上面的方法,它是有效的。

除了LAN,我通过Sys Prefs删除了所有的网络接口 尽管我的DNS是由DHCP提供的,但我只用一台服务器重新输入了DNS 我在命令行上使用-http-proxy来指定一个


我在Win7 64位上遇到了类似的问题。尝试禁用我的hamachi和virtualbox适配器,但没有工作。尝试以管理员身份启动avd,但没有工作。最后,我使用这个网站上的信息禁用了teredo隧道适配器,它工作了: http://www.mydigitallife.info/2007/09/09/how-to-disable-tcpipv6-teredo-tunneling-in-vista/

I think some of the answers may have addressed this, however obliquely, but here's what worked for me. Assuming your problem is occurring when you're on a wireless network and you have a LAN card installed, the issue is that the emulator tries to obtain its DNS settings from that LAN card. Not a problem when you're connected via that LAN, but utterly useless if you're on a wireless connection. I noticed this when I was on my laptop. So, how to fix? Simple: Disable your LAN card. Really. Just go to your Network connections, find your LAN card, right click it and choose disable. Now try your emulator. If you're like me, it suddenly ... works!
