

所有这些文件都在项目中,应用程序正在运行。然而,这些信息很烦人。查看。plist文件,但没有提到这些文件。 我应该怎么做才能删除这些信息?


一旦你提交了修改,警告就会消失(Xcode 8)。


一旦你提交了修改,警告就会消失(Xcode 8)。

显示在目标->构建阶段->拷贝Bundle资源。 和 清除构建文件夹命令+shift+alt+k

我不得不手动进入终端,用git rm ProjectPath\aaa\xxx.png删除文件,然后提交。从那以后,一切都很顺利。

In my case I drag & dropped a number of files on my Xcode project window to add them. It made copies into my source directory but didn't put them where I wanted them to go (it put them at the root of my directory, I wanted them in a sub-directory). Without thinking I just grabbed them in the Finder and moved them to the directory I wanted them in. After going back into the project window it of course could not find them so I deleted them in the window and re added them. After compiling I started getting these errors.

我认为,正如上面提到的,这是一个git问题,但当我运行“git ls-tree -full-tree -r HEAD”时,我根本看不到文件??

无论如何,为了解决这个问题,我所做的就是使用“Add File…”菜单命令将每个文件添加到默认位置,进行干净的构建,然后从项目窗口中删除它们(使用move to trash),这样就消除了所有错误。
