

只使用Emacs本身(在Windows XP上),不调用任何外部实用程序,如何替换所有的foo\nbar与bar\nbaz在*.c和*.h文件中的一些文件夹和它下面的所有文件夹。也许Emacs并不是最好的工具,但是如何用最少的命令就能轻松完成呢?



您得到的所有文件都匹配同一个regexp。 find- dred在这方面更灵活,但它也是为使用通用规则而设计的(即使这些规则可能非常复杂)。当然find也有自己复杂的语言。 如果您希望只对find(name)-dired缓冲区中收集的文件名中的一些文件进行操作,则需要标记它们,或者删除/省略不想操作的那些行。

另一种替代方法是使用dred +命令,作用于(a)标记的文件和(b)标记子目录中所有标记的文件(或所有文件,如果没有标记)…发现递归。这为您提供了对文件选择的通用性和轻松控制。这些“here-and-below”命令都在dred模式下的前缀键M-+上。

例如,M-+ Q与Q——query-replace相同,但目标文件都是在当前目录和任何标记的子目录中标记的文件,down, down, down…


要做到这一点,你无论如何都需要一种快速递归插入所有子dirs的方法。在这方面,Dired+也能提供帮助。M-+ M-i递归地插入所有标记的子dirs和它们自己标记的子dirs。也就是说,它类似于M-i(在Dired+中插入标记的subdirs),但它对subdirs递归地起作用。



You can also bookmark any Dired buffer, including one that you create using find(-name)-dired. This gives you a quick way to return to such a set (e.g. a project set) later. And if you use Bookmark+ then bookmarking a Dired buffer records (a) its ls switches, (b) which files are marked, (c) which subdirectories are inserted, and (d) which (sub)directories are hidden. All of that is restored when you "jump" to the bookmark. Bookmark+ also lets you bookmark an entire tree of Dired buffers --- jumping to the bookmark restores all of the buffers in the tree.





Search is over search contexts that you define -- you are not limited to searching all of the text in the target files (e.g., you can skip comments or particular kinds of program sections). A simple example of a search context is a line, as in grep, but a context can be any pattern-matched block of text you like. Typically you define the search contexts using a regexp, but you can instead use a function. In addition to defining your own, there are predefined Icicles search commands for different kinds of contexts: blocks of text properties or overlay properties, thing-at-point things, etc.



这是一个更具交互性的方法,需要wgrep, rgrep和iedit。iedit和wgrep都必须通过MELPA或Marmalade安装(使用M-x package-list-packages)

首先运行M-x rgrep查找要查找的字符串。


接下来你需要运行wgrep,用C-s C-p启动它。


所有事件都可以立即编辑。C-x C-s来提交wgrep。然后是c x s !保存已更改的文件。




M-x find-name-dired RET it may take some time for all the files to appear in the list, scroll to bottom (M->) until "find finished" appears to make sure they all have loaded Press t to "toggle mark" for all files found Press Q for "Query-Replace in Files...": you will be prompted for query/substitution regexps. Proceed as with query-replace-regexp: SPACE or y to replace and move to next match, n to skip a match, etc. Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23+ only) To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y. Call “ibuffer” (C-x C-b if bound to ibuffer, or M-x ibuffer RET) to list all opened files. Type * u to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files * * RET to unmark all marks, or type D to close all marked files

这个答案结合了这个答案、这个网站和我自己的笔记。使用Emacs 23+。

投射弹真的很不错: C-c pr执行投射-替换命令


对于emacs pro用户:

Call dired to list files in dir, or call find-dired if you need all subdirectories. Mark the files you want. You can mark by regex by typing 【% m】. Type Q to call dired-do-query-replace-regexp. Type your find regex and replace string. 〔☛ common elisp regex pattern〕 For each occurrence, type y to replace, n to skip. Type 【Ctrl+g】 to abort the whole operation. Type ! to replace all occurrences in current file without asking, N to skip all possible replacement for rest of the current file. (N is emacs 23 only) To do the replacement on all files without further asking, type Y. (Emacs 23 only) Call ibuffer to list all opened files. Type 【* u】 to mark all unsaved files, type S to save all marked files, type D to close them all.






Now, you will be shown the list of files, and now you need to mark the files you want the regex find/replace to work on. You mark a file by moving the cursor to the file you want, then press m. Unmark it by pressing u. (To list subdirectories, move your cursor to the directory and press i. The sub-directory's content will be listed at the bottom.) To mark all files by a regex, type 【% m】, then type your regex pattern. For example, if you want to mark all HTML files, then type 【% m】 then .html$. (You can find a list of the mark commands in the graphical menu “Mark” (this menu appears when you are in the dired mode).)




注意:如果您在unix非图形文本终端上使用emacs,并且如果【Alt+x】不起作用,则等效的击键为【Esc x】。

Emacs会提示“Run find (with args):”。如果您需要对所有HTML文件进行替换,则键入-name "* HTML "。如果你不关心文件类型,而只是关心目录下的所有文件,那么给" type f "。





如果想要取消整个操作而不保存所做的任何更改,输入【Ctrl+g】,然后使用菜单〖File exit emacs〗退出emacs。



如果您使用的是emacs版本22或更高版本,那么调用ibuffer进入缓冲区列表模式,然后键入【* u】标记所有未保存的文件,然后键入S保存所有文件。(shift-s)


除了上述选项,您还可以调用save-some-buffers【Ctrl+x s】。然后emacs将显示每个未保存的文件,并询问您是否希望保存它。

注意:emacs的regex与Perl或Python的regex不同,但相似。有关摘要和常见模式,请参见:Emacs Regex。