我只是想在Android上开始开发。 因此,问题是当我试图通过发出命令emulator @A2来启动模拟器时,一个模拟器出现在屏幕上。但即使在等待长达2-3小时后,它所显示的都是黑屏。甚至连Android的主屏幕和logo都没有。只有一个黑屏。而最初“adb设备”显示模拟器为离线。2-3分钟后,所附设备列表变为空白。



C: \ Java32BitInstallation C: \ AndroidSdkInstallation 以下是我下载/安装的内容列表:

Android SDK Tools,修订版13 Android SDK平台工具,修订版10 SDK平台Android 4.0.3, API 15,版本1 Jdk jdk-7u3-windows-i586




我已经尝试了10-12天了,还不能启动模拟器,更不用说编写我的第一个“Hello world”程序了。

Additional notes: My system is a Windows 7 (64 bit) machine. Earlier I had installed 64 bit version of jdk, but the problem was present that time too. Now after searching on internet, I uninstalled that and installed 32 bit version of Java. But, again no use. One thing, though, this 32 bit version of Java (jdk 7 update 3), first install jre as part of jdk installation and then installs jre 7. So now I have 2 folders: jre and jre7 in the C:\Java32BitInstallation directory. Could this have to do anything with my emulator not turning up. Do I need to specify additional environment variables or modify the existing one?



我也有同样的问题。以下是我的解决方案(适用于Mac OS)。我只是降低了Android Emulator的版本(从28.0.3到27.3.8)。这里有详细的操作说明。




I'd recommend creating a new device using one of the default "Device Definitions" available in the AVD Manager. It's as easy as highlighting the device type you want in the "Device Definitions" tab and clicking the "Create AVD..." button, then filling out a few details. I'd start by adjusting "Internal Storage" to around 8GB and (maybe) an "SD Card" of 2GB while leaving everything else the same. Try starting the device and if you see "Android" pop up onscreen you're running. The first boot usually takes awhile so just hang on and watch Logcat for any issues (the "DDMS" perspective helps here).



帮助我的(windows 10,英特尔):

禁用windows中的Hyper-V 卸载HAXM(“Intel硬件加速…”在控制面板中) 重新启动 使用android studio安装HAXM(设置-> android SDK -> SDK Tools -> Intel x86 Emulator Accelerator (HAXM Installer) -> Install) 运行模拟器(也可以尝试擦除VD数据/冷启动VD)

我也有同样的问题。当我将Eclipse从EE更改为Eclipse Classic时,它工作得很好。winprofessional 64Bit。 试一试,也许对你也有用。
