我最近把我的mac电脑升级到OS Catalina(v 10.15.3)。在这次升级之后,我无法使用硒启动chrome驱动程序。
“chromedriver”无法打开,因为开发人员无法验证”。 “macOS无法验证此应用程序没有恶意软件。”
我最近把我的mac电脑升级到OS Catalina(v 10.15.3)。在这次升级之后,我无法使用硒启动chrome驱动程序。
“chromedriver”无法打开,因为开发人员无法验证”。 “macOS无法验证此应用程序没有恶意软件。”
The above answers were helpful. I would just add that if you're running Selenium from a development environment, in my case a Jupyter Notebook, and this is the issue, you're likely to see a PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied error. There are other causes for this error, but it can be that macOS Catalina is blocking chromedriver from running for security reasons. Following the approaches above, I ran it from the command line and then was able to open it from Jupyter using driver = webdriver.Chrome('path/to/chromedriver).
The above answers were helpful. I would just add that if you're running Selenium from a development environment, in my case a Jupyter Notebook, and this is the issue, you're likely to see a PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied error. There are other causes for this error, but it can be that macOS Catalina is blocking chromedriver from running for security reasons. Following the approaches above, I ran it from the command line and then was able to open it from Jupyter using driver = webdriver.Chrome('path/to/chromedriver).
使用- cd /usr/local/bin命令进入该路径。这是你将看到你的chromedriver安装的地方。 当进入bin目录时,执行此命令- xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver。
这是一个许可问题…… 升级chrome后,这个错误显示,所以我遵循下面提到的步骤,它在我的系统工作。
系统设置 安全与隐私 进入“常规”选项卡 允许从以下地方下载应用程序: 选择App Store和已识别的开发商 单击锁进行更改。 输入系统密码 点击“无论如何打开”来确认你要打开或安装应用程序的意图。
开放的仪 导航到chromedriver文件所在的位置 右键单击chromedriver文件并选择打开
打开终端,进入下载chromedriver的路径。 执行xattr -d com.apple.quarantine chromedriver