



new(T)为一个类型为T的新项分配零存储,并返回它的地址,一个类型为*T的值:它返回一个指向新分配的类型为T的零值的指针,准备使用;它适用于数组和结构等值类型;它是 等价于&T{} make(T)返回一个初始化的T类型值;它只适用于3种内置的引用类型:切片、映射和通道。


var p *[]int = new([]int)
// *p == nil; with len and cap 0
p := new([]int)


p := make([]int, 0)



var v []int = make([]int, 10, 50)
// Or
v := make([]int, 10, 50)



对于切片、映射和通道:使用make 对于数组、结构和所有值类型:使用new

package main
type Foo map[string]string
type Bar struct {
         s string
         i int
func main() {
         // OK:
         y := new(Bar)
         (*y).s = "hello"
         (*y).i = 1

         // NOT OK:
         z := make(Bar) // compile error: cannot make type Bar
         z.s = "hello"
         z.i = 1

         // OK:
         x := make(Foo)
         x["x"] = "goodbye"
         x["y"] = "world"

         // NOT OK:
         u := new(Foo)
         (*u)["x"] = "goodbye" // !!panic!!: runtime error: 
                   // assignment to entry in nil map
         (*u)["y"] = "world"


func main() {
    // OK:
    ch := make(chan string)
    go sendData(ch)
    go getData(ch)

    // NOT OK:
    ch := new(chan string)
    go sendData(ch) // cannot use ch (variable of type *chan string) 
                   // as chan string value in argument to sendData
    go getData(ch)

func sendData(ch chan string) {
    ch <- "Washington"
    ch <- "Tripoli"
    ch <- "London"
    ch <- "Beijing"
    ch <- "Tokio"

func getData(ch chan string) {
    var input string
    for {
        input = <-ch
        fmt.Printf("%s ", input)



new(T) - Allocates memory, and sets it to the zero value for type T.. ..that is 0 for int, "" for string and nil for referenced types (slice, map, chan) Note that referenced types are just pointers to some underlying data structures, which won't be created by new(T) Example: in case of slice, the underlying array won't be created, thus new([]int) returns a pointer to nothing make(T) - Allocates memory for referenced data types (slice, map, chan), plus initializes their underlying data structures Example: in case of slice, the underlying array will be created with the specified length and capacity Bear in mind that, unlike C, an array is a primitive type in Go!

话虽如此: make(T)的行为类似于复合文字语法 new(T)的行为类似于var(当变量未初始化时)

func main() {
    fmt.Println("-- MAKE --")
    a := make([]int, 0)
    aPtr := &a
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *aPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *aPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- COMPOSITE LITERAL --")
    b := []int{}
    bPtr := &b
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *bPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *bPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- NEW --")
    cPtr := new([]int)
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *cPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n\n", *cPtr)

    fmt.Println("-- VAR (not initialized) --")
    var d []int
    dPtr := &d
    fmt.Println("pointer == nil :", *dPtr == nil)
    fmt.Printf("pointer value: %p\n", *dPtr)


-- MAKE --
pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # address to underlying array

pointer == nil : false
pointer value: 0x118eff0  # address to underlying array

-- NEW --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0

-- VAR (not initialized) --
pointer == nil : true
pointer value: 0x0

进一步阅读: https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#allocation_new https://golang.org/doc/effective_go.html#allocation_make

make function allocates and initializes an object of type slice, map, or chan only. Like new, the first argument is a type. But, it can also take a second argument, the size. Unlike new, make’s return type is the same as the type of its argument, not a pointer to it. And the allocated value is initialized (not set to zero value like in new). The reason is that slice, map and chan are data structures. They need to be initialized, otherwise they won't be usable. This is the reason new() and make() need to be different.

下面是Effective Go的例子:

p *[]int = new([]int) // *p = nil, which makes p useless
v []int = make([]int, 100) // creates v structure that has pointer to an array, length field, and capacity field. So, v is immediately usable


创建通道 创建一个预分配空间的映射 创建一个预先分配空间的切片,或者使用len != cap

要证明新的合理性有点难。它简化的主要事情是创建指向非复合类型的指针。 下面两个函数是等价的。一个更简洁一点:

func newInt1() *int { return new(int) }

func newInt2() *int {
    var i int
    return &i



type SomeStruct struct {
    V1 string `json:"v1"`
    V2 string `json:"v2"`


func GetStructFromMap[T any](values map[string]string) (T, error) {
    myStr := T{}
    bytes, err := json.Marshal(values)
    if err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    if err := json.Unmarshal(bytes, str); err != nil {
        return *myStr, err

    return *myStr, nil

但是,这段代码将抛出一个关于myStr:= T{}行的错误,关于无效的组合值。用myStr:= make(T)替换它会产生另一个关于没有底层类型的错误。因此,您需要将该行替换为myStr:= new(T),这将创建一个对该结构的零值实例的引用。



