.NET Core和Mono有什么区别?
我的目标是使用c#, LINQ, EF7和Visual Studio创建一个可以在Linux上运行/托管的网站。
有人告诉我他想要“在Mono中”,但我不知道这是什么意思。我知道我想把。net Core 1.0和上面列出的技术一起使用。他还说他想使用“快速CGI”。我也不知道那是什么意思。
.NET Core和Mono有什么区别?
我的目标是使用c#, LINQ, EF7和Visual Studio创建一个可以在Linux上运行/托管的网站。
有人告诉我他想要“在Mono中”,但我不知道这是什么意思。我知道我想把。net Core 1.0和上面列出的技术一起使用。他还说他想使用“快速CGI”。我也不知道那是什么意思。
有两种“完整”的CLR实现,微软原生的。net CLR(用于Windows)和Mono CLR(它本身有用于Windows、linux和unix的实现(Mac OS X和FreeBSD))。一个完整的CLR就是你所需要的一切。因此,“完整的”clr往往尺寸较大。
Core CLRs are on the other hand are cut down, and much smaller. Because they are only a core implementation, they are unlikely to have everything you need in them, so with Core CLRs you add feature sets to the CLR that your specific software product uses, using NuGet. There are Core CLR implementations for Windows, linux (various) and unix (Mac OS X and FreeBSD) in the mix. Microsoft have or are refactoring the .NET framework libraries for Core CLR too, to make them more portable for the core context. Given mono's presence on *nix OSs it would be a surprise if the Core CLRs for *nix did not include some mono code base, but only the Mono community and Microsoft could tell us that for sure.
为了回答你的问题,你可以使用Core CLR或Mono在linux上发布你的网站,这是两种不同的方式。如果你现在想要一个安全的赌注,我会在linux上使用mono,然后如果你以后想移植,就移植到Core。
. net Core并不需要mono框架意义上的mono, . net Core是一个可以在包括Linux在内的多个平台上工作的框架。参考https://dotnet.github.io/。
然而。net核心可以使用mono框架。参考https://docs.asp.net/en/1.0.0-rc1/getting-started/choosing-the-right-dotnet.html(注意rc1 documentatiopn没有rc2可用),但是mono不是微软支持的框架,建议使用受支持的框架
这是一个关于如何在Linux中安装MVC . net Core的教程。https://docs.asp.net/en/1.0.0-rc1/getting-started/installing-on-linux.html
我知道这篇文章最后主要是文档的链接,但在这一点上,这些是你最好的信息来源。net core在。net社区中仍然是相对较新的,在它完全发布之前,考虑到发布版本之间的巨大变化,我会犹豫是否要在产品环境中使用它。
有两种“完整”的CLR实现,微软原生的。net CLR(用于Windows)和Mono CLR(它本身有用于Windows、linux和unix的实现(Mac OS X和FreeBSD))。一个完整的CLR就是你所需要的一切。因此,“完整的”clr往往尺寸较大。
Core CLRs are on the other hand are cut down, and much smaller. Because they are only a core implementation, they are unlikely to have everything you need in them, so with Core CLRs you add feature sets to the CLR that your specific software product uses, using NuGet. There are Core CLR implementations for Windows, linux (various) and unix (Mac OS X and FreeBSD) in the mix. Microsoft have or are refactoring the .NET framework libraries for Core CLR too, to make them more portable for the core context. Given mono's presence on *nix OSs it would be a surprise if the Core CLRs for *nix did not include some mono code base, but only the Mono community and Microsoft could tell us that for sure.
为了回答你的问题,你可以使用Core CLR或Mono在linux上发布你的网站,这是两种不同的方式。如果你现在想要一个安全的赌注,我会在linux上使用mono,然后如果你以后想移植,就移植到Core。
这个问题尤其实际,因为昨天微软正式宣布了。net Core 1.0的发布。假设Mono实现了大多数标准的。net库,Mono和。net core之间的区别可以通过。net Framework和。net core之间的区别来看出:
APIs — .NET Core contains many of the same, but fewer, APIs as the .NET Framework, and with a different factoring (assembly names are different; type shape differs in key cases). These differences currently typically require changes to port source to .NET Core. .NET Core implements the .NET Standard Library API, which will grow to include more of the .NET Framework BCL APIs over time. Subsystems — .NET Core implements a subset of the subsystems in the .NET Framework, with the goal of a simpler implementation and programming model. For example, Code Access Security (CAS) is not supported, while reflection is supported.
如果你需要快速发布一些东西,选择Mono,因为它是目前(2016年6月)更成熟的产品,但如果你正在构建一个长期的网站,我会建议。net Core。它是由微软官方支持的,考虑到微软在。net Core开发中所付出的努力,所支持的api之间的差异可能很快就会消失。
我的目标是用c#, LINQ, EF7, visual studio来创建一个网站 可以在linux中运行/托管。
Linq和Entity框架包含在。net Core中,所以你可以放心尝试。
Mono是.Net框架的第三方实现 Linux / Android / iOs . net Core是微软自己的实现。
. net Core是未来。Mono最终会死。说到。net Core还不够成熟。我曾努力用IBM Bluemix实现它,后来放弃了这个想法。下来的时间(可能是1-2年),应该会更好。
This is one of my favorite topics and the content here was just amazing. I was thinking if it would be worth while or effective to compare the methods available in Runtime vs. Mono. I hope I got my terms right, but I think you know what I mean. In order to have a somewhat better understanding of what each Runtime supports currently, would it make sense to compare the methods they provide? I realize implementations may vary, and I have not considered the Framework Class libraries or the slew of other libraries available in one environment vs. the other. I also realize someone might have already done this work even more efficiently. I would be most grateful if you would let me know so I can review it. I feel doing a diff between the outcome of such activity would be of value, and wanted to see how more experienced developers feel about it, and would they provide useful guidance. While back I was playing with reflection, and wrote some lines that traverse the .net directory, and list the assemblies.