如何查看实体框架生成的SQL ?
如何查看实体框架生成的SQL ?
Necromancing。 当搜索任何。net框架的解决方案时,这个页面是第一个搜索结果,所以这里作为一个公共服务,它是如何在EntityFrameworkCore(用于。net Core 1和2)中完成的:
var someQuery = (
from projects in _context.projects
join issues in _context.issues on projects.Id equals issues.ProjectId into tmpMapp
from issues in tmpMapp.DefaultIfEmpty()
select issues
) //.ToList()
// string sql = someQuery.ToString();
// string sql = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.IQueryableExtensions.ToSql(someQuery);
// string sql = Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.IQueryableExtensions1.ToSql(someQuery);
// using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
string sql = someQuery.ToSql();
然后这些扩展方法(IQueryableExtensions1用于。net Core 1.0, IQueryableExtensions用于。net Core 2.0):
using System;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Internal;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Query.Internal;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Storage;
using Remotion.Linq.Parsing.Structure;
namespace Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1412863/how-do-i-view-the-sql-generated-by-the-entity-framework
// http://rion.io/2016/10/19/accessing-entity-framework-core-queries-behind-the-scenes-in-asp-net-core/
public static class IQueryableExtensions
private static readonly TypeInfo QueryCompilerTypeInfo = typeof(QueryCompiler).GetTypeInfo();
private static readonly FieldInfo QueryCompilerField = typeof(EntityQueryProvider).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredFields
.First(x => x.Name == "_queryCompiler");
private static readonly PropertyInfo NodeTypeProviderField =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredProperties.Single(x => x.Name == "NodeTypeProvider");
private static readonly MethodInfo CreateQueryParserMethod =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredMethods.First(x => x.Name == "CreateQueryParser");
private static readonly FieldInfo DataBaseField =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredFields.Single(x => x.Name == "_database");
private static readonly PropertyInfo DatabaseDependenciesField =
typeof(Database).GetTypeInfo().DeclaredProperties.Single(x => x.Name == "Dependencies");
public static string ToSql<TEntity>(this IQueryable<TEntity> query) where TEntity : class
if (!(query is EntityQueryable<TEntity>) && !(query is InternalDbSet<TEntity>))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid query");
var queryCompiler = (QueryCompiler) QueryCompilerField.GetValue(query.Provider);
var nodeTypeProvider = (INodeTypeProvider) NodeTypeProviderField.GetValue(queryCompiler);
var parser = (IQueryParser) CreateQueryParserMethod.Invoke(queryCompiler, new object[] {nodeTypeProvider});
var queryModel = parser.GetParsedQuery(query.Expression);
var database = DataBaseField.GetValue(queryCompiler);
var databaseDependencies = (DatabaseDependencies) DatabaseDependenciesField.GetValue(database);
var queryCompilationContext = databaseDependencies.QueryCompilationContextFactory.Create(false);
var modelVisitor = (RelationalQueryModelVisitor) queryCompilationContext.CreateQueryModelVisitor();
var sql = modelVisitor.Queries.First().ToString();
return sql;
public class IQueryableExtensions1
private static readonly TypeInfo QueryCompilerTypeInfo = typeof(QueryCompiler).GetTypeInfo();
private static readonly FieldInfo QueryCompilerField = typeof(EntityQueryProvider).GetTypeInfo()
.First(x => x.Name == "_queryCompiler");
private static readonly PropertyInfo NodeTypeProviderField =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredProperties.Single(x => x.Name == "NodeTypeProvider");
private static readonly MethodInfo CreateQueryParserMethod =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredMethods.First(x => x.Name == "CreateQueryParser");
private static readonly FieldInfo DataBaseField =
QueryCompilerTypeInfo.DeclaredFields.Single(x => x.Name == "_database");
private static readonly FieldInfo QueryCompilationContextFactoryField = typeof(Database).GetTypeInfo()
.DeclaredFields.Single(x => x.Name == "_queryCompilationContextFactory");
public static string ToSql<TEntity>(IQueryable<TEntity> query) where TEntity : class
if (!(query is EntityQueryable<TEntity>) && !(query is InternalDbSet<TEntity>))
throw new ArgumentException("Invalid query");
var queryCompiler = (IQueryCompiler) QueryCompilerField.GetValue(query.Provider);
var nodeTypeProvider = (INodeTypeProvider) NodeTypeProviderField.GetValue(queryCompiler);
var parser =
(IQueryParser) CreateQueryParserMethod.Invoke(queryCompiler, new object[] {nodeTypeProvider});
var queryModel = parser.GetParsedQuery(query.Expression);
var database = DataBaseField.GetValue(queryCompiler);
var queryCompilationContextFactory =
(IQueryCompilationContextFactory) QueryCompilationContextFactoryField.GetValue(database);
var queryCompilationContext = queryCompilationContextFactory.Create(false);
var modelVisitor = (RelationalQueryModelVisitor) queryCompilationContext.CreateQueryModelVisitor();
var sql = modelVisitor.Queries.First().ToString();
return sql;
适用于EF 6.0及以上: 对于那些想要了解更多关于日志功能并添加到已经给出的一些答案的人。
现在可以记录从EF发送到数据库的任何命令。查看从EF 6生成的查询。x,使用DBContext.Database.Log属性
- SQL for all different kinds of commands. For example: - Queries, including normal LINQ queries, eSQL queries, and raw queries from methods such as SqlQuery. - Inserts, updates, and deletes generated as part of SaveChanges - Relationship loading queries such as those generated by lazy loading - Parameters - Whether or not the command is being executed asynchronously - A timestamp indicating when the command started executing - Whether or not the command completed successfully, failed by throwing an exception, or, for async, was canceled - Some indication of the result value - The approximate amount of time it took to execute the command. Note that this is the time from sending the command to getting the result object back. It does not include time to read the results.
using (var context = new BlogContext())
context.Database.Log = Console.Write;
var blog = context.Blogs.First(b => b.Title == "One Unicorn");
blog.Posts.First().Title = "Green Eggs and Ham";
blog.Posts.Add(new Post { Title = "I do not like them!" });
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Title] AS [Title]
FROM [dbo].[Blogs] AS [Extent1]
WHERE (N'One Unicorn' = [Extent1].[Title]) AND ([Extent1].[Title] IS NOT NULL)
-- Executing at 10/8/2013 10:55:41 AM -07:00
-- Completed in 4 ms with result: SqlDataReader
[Extent1].[Id] AS [Id],
[Extent1].[Title] AS [Title],
[Extent1].[BlogId] AS [BlogId]
FROM [dbo].[Posts] AS [Extent1]
WHERE [Extent1].[BlogId] = @EntityKeyValue1
-- EntityKeyValue1: '1' (Type = Int32)
-- Executing at 10/8/2013 10:55:41 AM -07:00
-- Completed in 2 ms with result: SqlDataReader
UPDATE [dbo].[Posts]
SET [Title] = @0
WHERE ([Id] = @1)
-- @0: 'Green Eggs and Ham' (Type = String, Size = -1)
-- @1: '1' (Type = Int32)
-- Executing asynchronously at 10/8/2013 10:55:41 AM -07:00
-- Completed in 12 ms with result: 1
INSERT [dbo].[Posts]([Title], [BlogId])
VALUES (@0, @1)
FROM [dbo].[Posts]
WHERE @@ROWCOUNT > 0 AND [Id] = scope_identity()
-- @0: 'I do not like them!' (Type = String, Size = -1)
-- @1: '1' (Type = Int32)
-- Executing asynchronously at 10/8/2013 10:55:41 AM -07:00
-- Completed in 2 ms with result: SqlDataReader
using (var context = new BlogContext())
using (var sqlLogFile = new StreamWriter("C:\\temp\\LogFile.txt"))
context.Database.Log = sqlLogFile.Write;
var blog = context.Blogs.First(b => b.Title == "One Unicorn");
blog.Posts.First().Title = "Green Eggs and Ham";
public class ExampleDbContext : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
// using System.Diagnostics;
optionsBuilder.LogTo(message => Debug.WriteLine(message));
public class ExampleDbContext : DbContext
protected override void OnConfiguring(DbContextOptionsBuilder optionsBuilder)
public async Task MyAwesomeTest
//setup log to debug sql queries
var loggerFactory = new LoggerFactory();
loggerFactory.AddProvider(new DebugLoggerProvider());
loggerFactory.AddProvider(new ConsoleLoggerProvider(new ConsoleLoggerSettings()));
var builder = new DbContextOptionsBuilder<DbContext>();
.UseSqlServer("my connection string") //"Server=.;Initial Catalog=TestDb;Integrated Security=True"
var dbContext = new DbContext(builder.Options);
下面是Visual Studio控制台的输出示例:
var result = from i in myContext.appEntities
select new Model
field = i.stuff,
var sql = result.ToString();