

把所有的处理程序放在一个地方,并为所有事件编写函数? 创建函数/类来包装您的所有功能? 疯狂地写作,只希望结果是最好的? 放弃,找一份新工作?








以Jquery为中心的命名空间方式组织您的代码可能看起来如下…并且不会与其他Javascript API(如Prototype, Ext)冲突。

<script src="jquery/1.3.2/jquery.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">

var AcmeJQ = jQuery.noConflict(true);
var Acme = {fn: function(){}};


    Acme.sayHi = function()

    Acme.sayBye = function()
        console.log('Good Bye');

// Usage
//          Acme.sayHi();
// or
// <a href="#" onclick="Acme.sayHi();">Say Hello</a>




好的OO + MVC原则对于管理一个复杂的javascript应用程序肯定大有帮助。

基本上,我将我的应用程序和javascript组织成以下熟悉的设计(从我的桌面编程到Web 2.0一直存在)


Widgets representing the views of my application. This should be extensible and separated out neatly resulting good separation that MVC tries to achieve rather than turning my widget into a spaghetti code (equivalent in web app of putting a large block of Javascript directly in HTML). Each widget communicate via others by listening to the event generated by other widgets thus reducing the strong coupling between widgets that could lead to unmanageable code (remember the day of adding onclick everywhere pointing to a global functions in the script tag? Urgh...) Object models representing the data that I want to populate in the widgets and passing back and forth to the server. By encapsulating the data to its model, the application becomes data format agnostics. For example: while Naturally in Javascript these object models are mostly serialized and deserialized into JSON, if somehow the server is using XML for communication, all I need to change is changing the serialization/deserialization layer and not necessarily needs to change all the widget classes. Controller classes that manage the business logic and communication to the server + occasionally caching layer. This layer control the communication protocol to the server and put the necessary data into the object models Classes are wrapped neatly in their corresponding namespaces. I am sure we all know how nasty global namespace could be in Javascript.

In the past, I would separate the files into its own js and use common practice to create OO principles in Javascript. The problem that I soon found that there are multiple ways to write JS OO and it's not necessarily that all team members have the same approach. As the team got larger (in my case more than 15 people), this gets complicated as there is no standard approach for Object Oriented Javascript. At the same time I don't want to write my own framework and repeat some of the work that I am sure smarter people than I have solved.

jQuery是非常好的Javascript框架,我喜欢它,但随着项目越来越大,我显然需要额外的结构为我的web应用程序,特别是促进标准化OO实践。就我自己而言,经过几次试验,我发现YUI3 Base和Widget (http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/widget/和http://yuilibrary.com/yui/docs/base/index.html)基础设施完全满足了我的需要。我使用它们的几个原因。

It provides Namespace support. A real need for OO and neat organization of your code It support notion of classes and objects It gives a standardize means to add instance variables to your class It supports class extension neatly It provides constructor and destructor It provides render and event binding It has base widget framework Each widget now able to communicate to each other using standard event based model Most importantly, it gives all the engineers an OO Standard for Javascript development



Widget可以使用基于事件的模型相互通信,并根据预定义的接口侦听事件并执行必要的任务。简单地说,把OO + MVC结构的JS是一个乐趣对我来说。

声明一下,我不是为雅虎工作的!仅仅是一个建筑师在试图解决最初的问题所带来的问题。我认为如果有人找到了等效的OO框架,这也可以。基本上,这个问题也适用于其他技术。感谢所有提出OO原则+ MVC的人,使我们的编程更易于管理。

你可以使用jquery mx(在javascriptMVC中使用),这是一组允许你使用模型、视图和控制器的脚本。我曾在一个项目中使用它,并帮助我创建结构化javascript,由于压缩,脚本大小最小。以控制器为例:

  ".todo mouseover" : function( el, ev ) {
  ".todo mouseout" : function( el, ev ) {
  ".create click" : function() {
   this.find("ol").append("<li class='todo'>New Todo</li>"); 

new Todos($('#todos'));


代码组织要求采用约定和文档标准: 1. 物理文件的命名空间代码;

Exc = {};

2. 在这些命名空间javascript中分组类; 3.设置原型或相关的函数或类来表示真实世界的对象;

Exc = {};
Exc.ui = {};
Exc.ui.maskedInput = function (mask) {
    this.mask = mask;
Exc.ui.domTips = function (dom, tips) {
    this.dom = gift;
    this.tips = tips;

4. 设置约定以改进代码。例如,将其所有内部函数或方法分组在对象类型的class属性中。

Exc.ui.domTips = function (dom, tips) {
    this.dom = gift;
    this.tips = tips;
    this.internal = {
        widthEstimates: function (tips) {
        formatTips: function () {

5. 制作名称空间、类、方法和变量的文档。必要时也讨论一些代码(一些fi和for,它们通常实现代码的重要逻辑)。

  * Namespace <i> Example </i> created to group other namespaces of the "Example".  
Exc = {};
  * Namespace <i> ui </i> created with the aim of grouping namespaces user interface.
Exc.ui = {};

  * Class <i> maskdInput </i> used to add an input HTML formatting capabilities and validation of data and information.
  * @ Param {String} mask - mask validation of input data.
Exc.ui.maskedInput = function (mask) {
    this.mask = mask;

  * Class <i> domTips </i> used to add an HTML element the ability to present tips and information about its function or rule input etc..
  * @ Param {String} id - id of the HTML element.
  * @ Param {String} tips - tips on the element that will appear when the mouse is over the element whose identifier is id <i> </i>.
  Exc.ui.domTips = function (id, tips) {
    this.domID = id;
    this.tips = tips;



通常,我会为每个应用程序创建一个“main”js文件。所以,如果我正在编写一个“调查”应用程序,我将有一个名为“survey.js”的js文件。这将包含进入jQuery代码的入口点。我在实例化期间创建jQuery引用,然后将它们作为参数传递到我的对象中。这意味着javascript类是“纯粹的”,不包含任何对CSS id或类名的引用。

// file: survey.js
$(document).ready(function() {
  var jS = $('#surveycontainer');
  var jB = $('#dimscreencontainer');
  var d = new DimScreen({container: jB});
  var s = new Survey({container: jS, DimScreen: d});



// file: dimscreen.js
function DimScreen(opts) { 
   this.jB = opts.container;
   // ...
}; // need the semi-colon for minimizing!

DimScreen.prototype.draw = function(msg) {
  var me = this;


在我的上一个项目- viajeros.com -我使用了几种技术的组合。我不知道如何组织一个网页应用程序——Viajeros是一个面向旅行者的社交网站,它有明确定义的部分,所以很容易将每个部分的代码分开。


vjr.Required = ["vjr.gallery", "vjr.comments", "vjr.favorites"];


vjr.include = function(moduleList) {
  if (!moduleList) return false;
  for (var i = 0; i < moduleList.length; i++) {
    if (moduleList[i]) {
        type: "GET", url: vjr.module2fileName(moduleList[i]), dataType: "script"


vjr.comments = {}

vjr.comments.submitComment = function() { // do stuff }
vjr.comments.validateComment = function() { // do stuff }

// Handlers
vjr.comments.setUpUI = function() {
    // Assign handlers to screen elements

vjr.comments.init = function () {
  // initialize stuff

