"$ 2,500.00"
"$ 2,500.00"
javascript数字格式化程序(以前在Google Code)
这可能有点晚了,但这是我刚刚为同事准备的一个方法,可以为所有数字添加一个支持区域设置的.toCurrencyString()函数。内部化仅用于数字分组,而不是货币符号-如果您输出美元,请使用提供的“$”,因为日本或中国的123 4567美元与美国的1234567美元相同。如果您输出欧元等,请将货币符号从“$”改为“$”。
Number.prototype.toCurrencyString = function(prefix, suffix) {
if (typeof prefix === 'undefined') { prefix = '$'; }
if (typeof suffix === 'undefined') { suffix = ''; }
var _localeBug = new RegExp((1).toLocaleString().replace(/^1/, '').replace(/\./, '\\.') + "$");
return prefix + (~~this).toLocaleString().replace(_localeBug, '') + (this % 1).toFixed(2).toLocaleString().replace(/^[+-]?0+/,'') + suffix;
var MyNumber = 123456789.125;
alert(MyNumber.toCurrencyString()); // alerts "$123,456,789.13"
MyNumber = -123.567;
alert(MyNumber.toCurrencyString()); // alerts "$-123.57"
<script type="text/javascript">
function ins1000Sep(val) {
val = val.split(".");
val[0] = val[0].split("").reverse().join("");
val[0] = val[0].replace(/(\d{3})/g, "$1,");
val[0] = val[0].split("").reverse().join("");
val[0] = val[0].indexOf(",") == 0 ? val[0].substring(1) : val[0];
return val.join(".");
function rem1000Sep(val) {
return val.replace(/,/g, "");
function formatNum(val) {
val = Math.round(val*100)/100;
val = ("" + val).indexOf(".") > -1 ? val + "00" : val + ".00";
var dec = val.indexOf(".");
return dec == val.length-3 || dec == 0 ? val : val.substring(0, dec+3);
<button onclick="alert(ins1000Sep(formatNum(12313231)));">
下面是Patrick Desjardins(别名Daok)代码,添加了一些注释和一些小改动:
decimal_sep: character used as decimal separator, it defaults to '.' when omitted
thousands_sep: char used as thousands separator, it defaults to ',' when omitted
Number.prototype.toMoney = function(decimals, decimal_sep, thousands_sep)
var n = this,
c = isNaN(decimals) ? 2 : Math.abs(decimals), // If decimal is zero we must take it. It means the user does not want to show any decimal
d = decimal_sep || '.', // If no decimal separator is passed, we use the dot as default decimal separator (we MUST use a decimal separator)
According to [https://stackoverflow.com/questions/411352/how-best-to-determine-if-an-argument-is-not-sent-to-the-javascript-function]
the fastest way to check for not defined parameter is to use typeof value === 'undefined'
rather than doing value === undefined.
t = (typeof thousands_sep === 'undefined') ? ',' : thousands_sep, // If you don't want to use a thousands separator you can pass empty string as thousands_sep value
sign = (n < 0) ? '-' : '',
// Extracting the absolute value of the integer part of the number and converting to string
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(n).toFixed(c)) + '',
j = ((j = i.length) > 3) ? j % 3 : 0;
return sign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + t : '') + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + t) + (c ? d + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(c).slice(2) : '');
// Some tests (do not forget parenthesis when using negative numbers and number with no decimals)
alert(123456789.67392.toMoney() + '\n' + 123456789.67392.toMoney(3) + '\n' + 123456789.67392.toMoney(0) + '\n' + (123456).toMoney() + '\n' + (123456).toMoney(0) + '\n' + 89.67392.toMoney() + '\n' + (89).toMoney());
// Some tests (do not forget parenthesis when using negative numbers and number with no decimals)
alert((-123456789.67392).toMoney() + '\n' + (-123456789.67392).toMoney(-3));
移动了一点Math.abs(小数),只有当不是NaN时才能执行。decimal_sep不能再是空字符串(必须使用某种十进制分隔符)我们使用typeof thousand_sep===“undefined”,如How best to determine if a argument is not send to JavaScript function中所建议的不需要(+n||0),因为这是Number对象
Number.prototype.formatMoney = function(decPlaces, thouSeparator, decSeparator) {
var n = this,
decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces,
decSeparator = decSeparator == undefined ? "." : decSeparator,
thouSeparator = thouSeparator == undefined ? "," : thouSeparator,
sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "",
i = parseInt(n = Math.abs(+n || 0).toFixed(decPlaces)) + "",
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return sign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thouSeparator : "") + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, "$1" + thouSeparator) + (decPlaces ? decSeparator + Math.abs(n - i).toFixed(decPlaces).slice(2) : "");
var myMoney = 3543.75873;
var formattedMoney = '$' + myMoney.formatMoney(2, ',', '.'); // "$3,543.76"
Number.implement('format', function(decPlaces, thouSeparator, decSeparator){
decPlaces = isNaN(decPlaces = Math.abs(decPlaces)) ? 2 : decPlaces;
decSeparator = decSeparator === undefined ? '.' : decSeparator;
thouSeparator = thouSeparator === undefined ? ',' : thouSeparator;
var num = this,
sign = num < 0 ? '-' : '',
i = parseInt(num = Math.abs(+num || 0).toFixed(decPlaces)) + '',
j = (j = i.length) > 3 ? j % 3 : 0;
return sign + (j ? i.substr(0, j) + thouSeparator : '') + i.substr(j).replace(/(\d{3})(?=\d)/g, '$1' + thouSeparator) + (decPlaces ? decSeparator + Math.abs(num - i).toFixed(decPlaces).slice(2) : '');