

在Dennis Ritchie设计的语言中,除了地址未被获取的自动对象外,对任何对象的每次访问都表现为计算对象的地址,然后在该地址上读写存储。这使得该语言非常强大,但严重限制了优化机会。

While it might have been possible to add a qualifier that would invite a compiler to assume that a particular object wouldn't be changed in weird ways, such an assumption would be appropriate for the vast majority of objects in C programs, and it would have been impractical to add a qualifier to all the objects for which such assumption would be appropriate. On the other hand, some programs need to use some objects for which such an assumption would not hold. To resolve this issue, the Standard says that compilers may assume that objects which are not declared volatile will not have their value observed or changed in ways that are outside the compiler's control, or would be outside a reasonable compiler's understanding.

Because various platforms may have different ways in which objects could be observed or modified outside a compiler's control, it is appropriate that quality compilers for those platforms should differ in their exact handling of volatile semantics. Unfortunately, because the Standard failed to suggest that quality compilers intended for low-level programming on a platform should handle volatile in a way that will recognize any and all relevant effects of a particular read/write operation on that platform, many compilers fall short of doing so in ways that make it harder to process things like background I/O in a way which is efficient but can't be broken by compiler "optimizations".



在我看来,你不应该对volatile期望太高。为了说明这一点,看看尼尔斯·派彭布林克(Nils Pipenbrinck)的高票数回答中的例子。

我想说,他的例子并不适用于volatile。Volatile只用于: 阻止编译器进行有用和理想的优化。这与线程安全、原子访问甚至内存顺序无关。


    void SendCommand (volatile MyHardwareGadget * gadget, int command, int data)
      // wait while the gadget is busy:
      while (gadget->isbusy)
        // do nothing here.
      // set data first:
      gadget->data    = data;
      // writing the command starts the action:
      gadget->command = command;

gadget->data = gadget->command = command之前的数据仅由编译器在编译后的代码中保证。在运行时,处理器仍然可能根据处理器架构对数据和命令分配进行重新排序。硬件可能会得到错误的数据(假设gadget映射到硬件I/O)。数据和命令分配之间需要内存屏障。

在Dennis Ritchie设计的语言中,除了地址未被获取的自动对象外,对任何对象的每次访问都表现为计算对象的地址,然后在该地址上读写存储。这使得该语言非常强大,但严重限制了优化机会。

While it might have been possible to add a qualifier that would invite a compiler to assume that a particular object wouldn't be changed in weird ways, such an assumption would be appropriate for the vast majority of objects in C programs, and it would have been impractical to add a qualifier to all the objects for which such assumption would be appropriate. On the other hand, some programs need to use some objects for which such an assumption would not hold. To resolve this issue, the Standard says that compilers may assume that objects which are not declared volatile will not have their value observed or changed in ways that are outside the compiler's control, or would be outside a reasonable compiler's understanding.

Because various platforms may have different ways in which objects could be observed or modified outside a compiler's control, it is appropriate that quality compilers for those platforms should differ in their exact handling of volatile semantics. Unfortunately, because the Standard failed to suggest that quality compilers intended for low-level programming on a platform should handle volatile in a way that will recognize any and all relevant effects of a particular read/write operation on that platform, many compilers fall short of doing so in ways that make it harder to process things like background I/O in a way which is efficient but can't be broken by compiler "optimizations".


double der_f(double x)
    static const double h = 1e-3;
    return (f(x + h) - f(x)) / h;

问题是由于舍入误差,x+h-x通常不等于h。想想看:当你减去非常接近的数字时,你会丢失很多有效的数字,这可能会破坏导数的计算(想想1.00001 - 1)

double der_f2(double x)
    static const double h = 1e-3;
    double hh = x + h - x;
    return (f(x + hh) - f(x)) / hh;


    volatile double hh = x + h;
    hh -= x;





