

我使用这个,如果你只有/proc,没有其他有用的。只需要设置nr为你想看到的顶部交换器的数量,它会告诉你进程名,交换占用空间(MB),它是ps -ef的完整进程线:

Nr =10;对于pid在$(对于文件在/proc//状态;do awk '/ vmswwap |Name|^Pid/{printf $2 "" $3}END{print ""}' $file;做|分类3 - n - r - k - $ {nr} | |头awk{打印$ 2});做awk ' / VmSwap |名称| ^ Pid / {printf 2”、“3美元}{打印”“}”结束/proc/$ Pid /状态| awk的{打印1美元”“2”“3/1024美元“m”}”| sed - e ' s /。[0 - 9]/ / g’;ps ef | awk“2美元= = $ Pid{打印}”,回声;完成



grep VmSwap /proc/[0-9]*/status | awk -F':' -v sort="$1" '
    split($1,pid,"/") # Split first field on /
    split($3,swp," ") # Split third field on space
    cmdlinefile = "/proc/"pid[3]"/cmdline" # Build the cmdline filepath
    getline pname[pid[3]] < cmdlinefile # Get the command line from pid
    swap[pid[3]] = sprintf("%6i %s",swp[1],swp[2]) # Store the swap used (with unit to avoid rebuilding at print)
    sum+=swp[1] # Sum the swap
  END {
    OFS="\t" # Change the output separator to tabulation
    print "Pid","Swap used","Command line" # Print header
    if(sort) {
      getline max_pid < "/proc/sys/kernel/pid_max"
      for(p=1;p<=max_pid;p++) {
        if(p in pname) print p,swap[p],pname[p] # print the values
    } else {
      for(p in pname) { # Loop over all pids found
        print p,swap[p],pname[p] # print the values
    print "Total swap used:",sum # print the sum

标准用法是script.sh以随机顺序获取每个程序的使用情况(直到awk如何存储其哈希值)或script.sh 1以pid对输出进行排序。




我认为,您可以通过运行top并查找使用大量内存的活动进程来得到一个很好的猜测。通过编程实现这一点比较困难——只要看看关于Linux OOM杀手启发式的无休止的争论就知道了。



cat /proc/*/status | grep -E 'VmSwap:|Name:' | grep VmSwap -B1 | cut -d':' -f2 | grep -v '\-\-' | grep -o -E '[a-zA-Z0-9]+.*$' | cut -d' ' -f1 | xargs -n2 echo | sort -k2 -n


Get all the data in /proc/process/status for all processes Select the fields VmSwap and Name for each Remove the processes that don't have the VmSwap field Remove the names of the fields (VmSwap: and Name:) Remove lines with -- that were added by the previous step Remove the spaces at the start of the lines Remove the second part of each process name and " kB" after the swap usage number Take name and number (process name and swap usage) and put them in one line, one after the other Sort the lines by the swap usage

Iotop是一个非常有用的工具。它提供了每个进程/线程的I/O和交换使用情况的实时统计数据。默认情况下,它显示每个线程,但你可以执行iotop -P来获取每个进程的信息。默认情况下,这是不可用的。您可能需要通过rpm/apt安装。