static AtomicInteger i;
// Later, in a thread
int current = i.incrementAndGet();
static int i;
// Later, in a thread
int current = ++i;
方法映射如下: ++i是i. incrementandget () i++就是i. getandincrement () ——i是i. decrementandget () i——是i. getanddecrement () I = x = I .set(x) X = I = X = I .get()
As an atomic counter (incrementAndGet(), etc) that can be used by many threads concurrently As a primitive that supports compare-and-swap instruction (compareAndSet()) to implement non-blocking algorithms. Here is an example of non-blocking random number generator from Brian Göetz's Java Concurrency In Practice: public class AtomicPseudoRandom extends PseudoRandom { private AtomicInteger seed; AtomicPseudoRandom(int seed) { this.seed = new AtomicInteger(seed); } public int nextInt(int n) { while (true) { int s = seed.get(); int nextSeed = calculateNext(s); if (seed.compareAndSet(s, nextSeed)) { int remainder = s % n; return remainder > 0 ? remainder : remainder + n; } } } ... } As you can see, it basically works almost the same way as incrementAndGet(), but performs arbitrary calculation (calculateNext()) instead of increment (and processes the result before return).
Atomic classes are not general purpose replacements for java.lang.Integer and related classes. They do not define methods such as equals, hashCode and compareTo. (Because atomic variables are expected to be mutated, they are poor choices for hash table keys.) Additionally, classes are provided only for those types that are commonly useful in intended applications. For example, there is no atomic class for representing byte. In those infrequent cases where you would like to do so, you can use an AtomicInteger to hold byte values, and cast appropriately. You can also hold floats using Float.floatToRawIntBits(float) and Float.intBitsToFloat(int) conversions, and doubles using Double.doubleToRawLongBits(double) and Double.longBitsToDouble(long) conversions.
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initially value as 0
AtomicInteger val = new AtomicInteger(0);
// Prints the updated value
System.out.println("Previous value: "
+ val);
// Checks if previous value was 0
// and then updates it
boolean res = val.compareAndSet(0, 6);
// Checks if the value was updated.
if (res)
System.out.println("The value was"
+ " updated and it is "
+ val);
System.out.println("The value was "
+ "not updated");
打印出来的是: 前值:0 该值被更新为6 另一个简单的例子:
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
public class GFG {
public static void main(String args[])
// Initially value as 0
AtomicInteger val
= new AtomicInteger(0);
// Prints the updated value
System.out.println("Previous value: "
+ val);
// Checks if previous value was 0
// and then updates it
boolean res = val.compareAndSet(10, 6);
// Checks if the value was updated.
if (res)
System.out.println("The value was"
+ " updated and it is "
+ val);
System.out.println("The value was "
+ "not updated");
打印出来的是: 前值:0 没有更新该值
AtomicInteger fork0 = neededForks[0];//neededForks is an array that holds the forks needed per Philosopher
AtomicInteger fork1 = neededForks[1];
if (Hungry) {
//if fork is free (==-1) then grab it by denoting who took it
if (!fork0.compareAndSet(-1, p) || !fork1.compareAndSet(-1, p)) {
//at least one fork was not succesfully grabbed, release both and try again later
fork0.compareAndSet(p, -1);
fork1.compareAndSet(p, -1);
try {
synchronized (lock) {//sleep and get notified later when a philosopher puts down one fork
lock.wait();//try again later, goes back up the loop
} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
} else {
//sucessfully grabbed both forks
因为compareAndSet方法不阻塞,它应该增加吞吐量,完成更多的工作。正如你所知道的,Dining Philosophers问题是在需要对资源进行受控访问时使用的,即需要fork,就像一个进程需要资源来继续工作一样。
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