







1 <a href="http://example.com" style="display: none;"> < / >链接。< br / > <a href="http://example.com" style="可见性:隐藏;"> < / >链接。< br / > <a href="http://example.com" style="不透明度:0;"> < / >链接。




1st link.
2nd  link.
3rd unseen link.



<div id="parent" style="display:none;">
    <div id="child" style="display:block;"></div>


<div id="parent" style="visibility:hidden;">
    <div id="child" style="visibility:visible;"></div>


如果可视性属性设置为“hidden”,浏览器仍然会在页面上为内容占用空间,即使它是不可见的。 但是当我们将一个对象设置为“display:none”时,浏览器不会在页面上为其内容分配空间。


<div style="display:none">
Content not display on screen and even space not taken.

<div style="visibility:hidden">
Content not display on screen but it will take space on screen.



visibility display
element with visibility: hidden, is hidden for all practical purposes (mouse pointers, keyboard focus, screenreaders), but still occupies space in the rendered markup element with display:none, is hidden for all practical purposes (mouse pointers, keyboard focus, screenreaders), and DOES NOT occupy space in the rendered markup
css transitions can be applied for visibility changes css transitions can not be applied on display changes
you can make a parent visibility:hidden but a child with visibility: visible would still be shown when parent is display:none, children can't override and make themselves visible
part of the DOM tree (so you can still target it with DOM queries) part of the DOM tree (so you can still target it with DOM queries)
part of the render tree NOT part of the render tree
any reflow / layout in the parent element or child elements, would possibly trigger a reflow in these elements as well, as they are part of the render tree. any reflow / layout in the parent element, would not impact these elements, as these are not part of the render tree
toggling between visibility: hidden and visible, would possibly not trigger a reflow / layout. (According to this comment it does: What is the difference between visibility:hidden and display:none? and possibly according to this as well https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow) toggling between display:none to display: (something else), would lead to a layout /reflow as this element would now become part of the render tree
you can measure the element through DOM methods you can not measure the element or its descendants using DOM methods
If you have a huge number of elements using visibility: none on the page, the browser might hang while rendering, as all these elements require layout, even though they are not shown If you have a huge number of elements using display:none, they wouldn't impact the rendering as they are not part of the render tree


https://developers.google.com/speed/docs/insights/browser-reflow http://www.stubbornella.org/content/2009/03/27/reflows-repaints-css-performance-making-your-javascript-slow/ visibility:hidden和display:none


还有一些浏览器支持特性,但它们似乎适用于非常老的浏览器,在其他答案中也有,所以我在这里没有讨论它们。 还有其他一些隐藏元素的方法,比如不透明度,或者屏幕外的绝对定位。所有这些方法在一些或其他的回答中都有涉及,并且都有一些缺点。 根据这条评论(可见性:hidden和display:none之间的性能差异),如果你有很多元素使用display:none并且你将其更改为display:(其他),它将导致单个回流,而如果你有多个可见性:hidden元素并且你将它们变为可见,它将导致每个元素的回流。(我不太明白)