


@Gajus Kuizinas and @CodeHater are correct. Here i am just giving an example. While we are working with ng-if, if the assigned value is false then the whole html elements will be removed from DOM. and if assigned value is true, then the html elements will be visible on the DOM. And the scope will be different compared to the parent scope. But in case of ng-show, it wil just show and hide the elements based on the assigned value. But it always stays in the DOM. Only the visibility changes as per the assigned value.


希望这个例子能帮助你理解范围。 尝试给ng-show和ng-if赋假值,并在控制台中检查DOM。 尝试在输入框中输入值并观察差异。

<!DOCTYPE html>


<input type="text" ng-model="data">
<div ng-show="true">
    <br/>ng-show=true :: <br/><input type="text" ng-model="data">
<div ng-if="true">
    <br/>ng-if=true :: <br/><input type="text" ng-model="data">


ng-if if false will remove elements from DOM. This means that all your events, directives attached to those elements will be lost. For example, ng-click to one of child elements, when ng-if evaluates to false, that element will be removed from DOM and again when it is true it is recreated. ng-show/ng-hide does not remove the elements from DOM. It uses CSS styles (.ng-hide) to hide/show elements .This way your events, directives that were attached to children will not be lost. ng-if creates a child scope while ng-show/ng-hide does not.


angular.module('app', []).controller('ctrl', function($scope){ $scope.delete = function(array, item){ array.splice(array.indexOf(item), 1); } }) <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app='app' ng-controller='ctrl'> <h4>ng-if:</h4> <ul ng-init='arr1 = [1,2,3]'> <li ng-repeat='x in arr1'> {{show}} <button ng-if='!show' ng-click='show=!show'>Delete {{show}}</button> <button ng-if='show' ng-click='delete(arr1, x)'>Yes {{show}}</button> <button ng-if='show' ng-click='show=!show'>No</button> </li> </ul> <h4>ng-show:</h4> <ul ng-init='arr2 = [1,2,3]'> <li ng-repeat='x in arr2'> {{show}} <button ng-show='!show' ng-click='show=!show'>Delete {{show}}</button> <button ng-show='show' ng-click='delete(arr2, x)'>Yes {{show}}</button> <button ng-show='show' ng-click='show=!show'>No</button> </li> </ul> <h4>ng-if with $parent:</h4> <ul ng-init='arr3 = [1,2,3]'> <li ng-repeat='item in arr3'> {{show}} <button ng-if='!show' ng-click='$parent.show=!$parent.show'>Delete {{$parent.show}}</button> <button ng-if='show' ng-click='delete(arr3, x)'>Yes {{$parent.show}}</button> <button ng-if='show' ng-click='$parent.show=!$parent.show'>No</button> </li> </ul> </div>

在第一个列表,on-click事件,显示变量,从内部/自己的作用域,被改变了,但ng-if正在观察从外部作用域同名的另一个变量,所以解决方案不工作。对于ng-show,我们只有一个show变量,这就是它工作的原因。要修复第一次尝试,我们应该通过$parent.show引用show from parent/outer scope。

@EdSpencer是正确的。如果您有很多元素,并且使用ng-if只实例化相关的元素,则可以节省资源。 @CodeHater也有点正确,如果你要经常删除和显示一个元素,隐藏它而不是删除它可以提高性能。


@Gajus Kuizinas and @CodeHater are correct. Here i am just giving an example. While we are working with ng-if, if the assigned value is false then the whole html elements will be removed from DOM. and if assigned value is true, then the html elements will be visible on the DOM. And the scope will be different compared to the parent scope. But in case of ng-show, it wil just show and hide the elements based on the assigned value. But it always stays in the DOM. Only the visibility changes as per the assigned value.


希望这个例子能帮助你理解范围。 尝试给ng-show和ng-if赋假值,并在控制台中检查DOM。 尝试在输入框中输入值并观察差异。

<!DOCTYPE html>


<input type="text" ng-model="data">
<div ng-show="true">
    <br/>ng-show=true :: <br/><input type="text" ng-model="data">
<div ng-if="true">
    <br/>ng-if=true :: <br/><input type="text" ng-model="data">


