
实际上同时做多件事(并行执行,使用多个处理器) 通过调度任务并在它们之间切换来模拟它(做一点a,一点B,一点a,等等)。





发生在CPU上的处理 在其他处理器(GPU,网卡等)上发生的处理,让我们称之为IO。



如果我使用FileStream对象(它是一个流)的Write方法,处理将会说,1%的CPU绑定和99%的IO绑定。 如果我使用NetworkStream对象(它是一个流)的写方法,处理将会说,1%的CPU绑定,和99%的IO绑定。 如果我使用Memorystream对象(这是一个流)的写方法,处理将是100% CPU的限制。




在桌面应用程序中,我想打印一个文档,但我不想等待它。 我的web服务器同时为许多客户端提供服务,每个客户端并行获取他的页面(不是序列化的)。

在async / await之前,我们基本上有两个解决方案:

线程。它相对容易使用,有Thread和ThreadPool类。线程只受CPU限制。 “旧的”Begin/End/AsyncCallback异步编程模型。这只是一个模型,它并没有告诉你你将会受到CPU或IO的限制。如果你看一下Socket或FileStream类,它是IO绑定的,这很酷,但我们很少使用它。

async / await只是一个基于Task概念的通用编程模型。对于CPU绑定的任务,它比线程或线程池更容易使用,而且比旧的Begin/End模型更容易使用。 然而,它“只是”一个超级复杂的功能齐全的包装。





我不打算和Eric Lippert或者Lasse V. Karlsen等人竞争,我只是想让大家注意这个问题的另一个方面,我想这个问题没有明确提到。




经过我自己的研究,我终于找到了缺失的部分:select()。具体来说,IO多路复用,由不同的内核以不同的名称实现:select(), poll(), epoll(), kqueue()。这些是系统调用,尽管实现细节不同,但允许您传入一组文件描述符进行监视。然后,您可以进行另一个调用,该调用将阻塞,直到被监视的文件描述符之一发生变化。






public async void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("before awaiting");
    await GetSomethingAsync();
    Console.WriteLine("after awaiting");



public void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    Console.WriteLine("before waiting");
    Console.WriteLine("after waiting");



Most things that deal with windows are done using messages, which means that if the message loop stops pumping messages, even for just a second, it is quickly noticeable by the user. For instance, if you move notepad or any other program on top of your own program, and then away again, a flurry of paint messages are sent to your program indicating which region of the window that now suddenly became visible again. If the message loop that processes these messages is waiting for something, blocked, then no painting is done.



所有导致await的代码,包括对GetSomethingAsync的调用 接下来的所有代码都在等待


code... code... code... await X(); ... code... code... code...


code... code... code... var x = X(); await X; code... code... code...
^                                  ^          ^                     ^
+---- portion 1 -------------------+          +---- portion 2 ------+


It executes everything up to await It calls the GetSomethingAsync method, which does its thing, and returns something that will complete 2 seconds in the future So far we're still inside the original call to button1_Click, happening on the main thread, called from the message loop. If the code leading up to await takes a lot of time, the UI will still freeze. In our example, not so much What the await keyword, together with some clever compiler magic, does is that it basically something like "Ok, you know what, I'm going to simply return from the button click event handler here. When you (as in, the thing we're waiting for) get around to completing, let me know because I still have some code left to execute". Actually it will let the SynchronizationContext class know that it is done, which, depending on the actual synchronization context that is in play right now, will queue up for execution. The context class used in a Windows Forms program will queue it using the queue that the message loop is pumping. So it returns back to the message loop, which is now free to continue pumping messages, like moving the window, resizing it, or clicking other buttons. For the user, the UI is now responsive again, processing other button clicks, resizing and most importantly, redrawing, so it doesn't appear to freeze. 2 seconds later, the thing we're waiting for completes and what happens now is that it (well, the synchronization context) places a message into the queue that the message loop is looking at, saying "Hey, I got some more code for you to execute", and this code is all the code after the await. When the message loop gets to that message, it will basically "re-enter" that method where it left off, just after await and continue executing the rest of the method. Note that this code is again called from the message loop so if this code happens to do something lengthy without using async/await properly, it will again block the message loop

There are many moving parts under the hood here so here are some links to more information, I was going to say "should you need it", but this topic is quite broad and it is fairly important to know some of those moving parts. Invariably you're going to understand that async/await is still a leaky concept. Some of the underlying limitations and problems still leak up into the surrounding code, and if they don't, you usually end up having to debug an application that breaks randomly for seemingly no good reason.

使用Async和Await进行异步编程(c#和Visual Basic) SynchronizationContext类 Stephen Cleary -没有一篇文章值得一读! 频道9 - Mads Torgersen: c# Async内幕值得一看!

那么,如果GetSomethingAsync启动一个将在2秒内完成的线程呢?是的,很明显有新的线索。然而,这个线程并不是因为这个方法的异步性,而是因为这个方法的程序员选择了一个线程来实现异步代码。几乎所有的异步I/O都不使用线程,它们使用不同的东西。Async /await本身不会启动新的线程,但显然“我们等待的东西”可以使用线程实现。


Web请求(以及许多其他需要时间的与网络相关的事情) 异步文件读写 还有更多,如果有问题的类/接口有名为SomethingSomethingAsync或BeginSomething和EndSomething的方法,并且有一个IAsyncResult涉及,这是一个好迹象。



好吧,让我们问问Try Roslyn关于我们的按钮点击:



我试着从下往上解释。也许有人会觉得有用。 我在那里,做了,重新发明了它,在DOS和Pascal中制作简单的游戏(好旧时光…)


while (getMessage(out message)) // pseudo-code
   dispatchMessage(message); // pseudo-code

框架通常对您隐藏这个细节,但它确实存在。 getMessage函数从事件队列中读取下一个事件或等待事件发生:鼠标移动、按下键、按上键、单击等等。然后dispatchMessage将事件分派给适当的事件处理程序。 然后等待下一个事件,依此类推,直到退出事件出现,退出循环并完成应用程序。

事件处理程序应该快速运行,以便事件循环可以轮询更多事件,并且UI保持响应性。 如果单击按钮触发了这样昂贵的操作,会发生什么?

void expensiveOperation()
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)

UI变得无响应,直到10秒操作结束,因为控件停留在函数中。 要解决这个问题,您需要将任务分解为可以快速执行的小部分。 这意味着您不能在一个事件中处理整个事件。 您必须完成一小部分工作,然后将另一个事件发布到事件队列以请求继续。


void expensiveOperation()

void doIteration(int i)
    if (i >= 1000) return;
    Thread.Sleep(10); // Do a piece of work.
    postFunctionCallMessage(() => {doIteration(i + 1);}); // Pseudo code. 

在这种情况下,只运行第一次迭代,然后它将消息发送到事件队列以运行下一次迭代并返回。 我们的示例postFunctionCallMessage伪函数在队列中放置了一个“调用此函数”事件,因此事件调度程序将在到达队列时调用它。 这允许在连续运行长时间运行的工作的片段的同时处理所有其他GUI事件。

As long as this long running task is running, its continuation event is always in the event queue. So you basically invented your own task scheduler. Where the continuation events in the queue are "processes" that are running. Actually this what operating systems do, except that the sending of the continuation events and returning to the scheduler loop is done via the CPU's timer interrupt where the OS registered the context switching code, so you don't need to care about it. But here you are writing your own scheduler so you do need to care about it - so far.

So we can run long running tasks in a single thread parallel with the GUI by breaking up them into small chunks and sending continuation events. This is the general idea of the Task class. It represents a piece of work and when you call .ContinueWith on it, you define what function to call as the next piece when the current piece finishes (and its return value is passed to the continuation). But doing all this chaining splitting up work into small pieces manually is a cumbersome work and totally messes up the layout of the logic, because the entire background task code basically a .ContinueWith mess. So this is where the compiler helps you. It does all this chaining and continuation for you under the hood. When you say await you tell the compiler that "stop here, add the rest of the function as a continuation task". The compiler takes care of the rest, so you don't have to.




在基于ui线程的应用程序(WinForms, WPF)中,您将在之前和之后处于同一个线程上。但是当您在线程池线程上使用async-await时,await之前和await之后的线程可能不相同。
