


安全证书可以很容易地从. net中的签名程序集中删除。




Obfuscate your source code, obviously this will make your source code look like a mess and unreadable. Trigger several random checking routines inside your application like every two hours, 24 hours, one day, week, etc. or maybe after every action the user take. Save your released application's MD5 checksum on your server and implement a routine that can check the current file MD5 checksum with the real one on you server side and make it randomly triggered. If the MD5 checksum has been changed that means this copy has been pirated. Now you can just block it or release an update to block it, etc. Try to make a routine that can check if some of your codes (functions, classes, or specific routines) are actually have been modified or altered or even removed. I call it (code integrity check). Use free unknown packers to pack your application. Or, if you have the money, go for commercial solutions such as Thamida or .NET Reactor. Those applications get updated regularly and once a cracker unpack your application, you can just get a new update from those companies and once you get the new update, you just pack your program and release a new update. Release updates regularly and force your customer to download the latest update. Finally make your application very cheap. Don't make it too expensive. Believe me, you will get more happy customers and crackers will just leave your application, because it isn't worth their time to crack a very cheap application.










AntiDuplicate 改变语言,使用Skype的作者使用的好技巧 许可证服务器



However, you can make them create cracks that will hurt your sales less. Keygenerators that can issue a valid registration code for your software are much worse than simple patches that remove registration incentives from your software. That's because a crack will work for one software version only, and will cease to work with the next software update you release. The keygenerator will continue to work until you change your registration key algorithm and that's something you don't want to do often because it will put off your honest clients.


Partial Key Verification makes sure that each illegal keygenerator works only for one particular release of your software. Basically what you do is to make sure that each release of your software only links with the code for checking SOME digits of the registration code. Which digits exactly is random, so crackers would have to reverse engineer many different versions of your software and combine all this into one keygenerator in order to release a keygenerator that works for all versions of your software.





A) .NET只是反向工程而不是原生的吗?


标题: 保护.NET代码不受逆向工程的影响


Least preference to make commercial application in .NET, because it will expose even your comments on the built binary after decompile. (I don't know what is the logic to include the comments also with binary) So any one can just decompile it, rename/modify/change the look and resell the application in 24 hours. In native application rename/modify/change of look is not possible as easy as one could do in .NET Worried part in .NET is that you could get the whole project with solution from a single binary exe/dll.

想象一下现在的安全状况有多糟糕。 因此,即使是外行也可以轻松地对. net应用程序进行逆向工程。

如果它是本地应用程序,如c++ /VB6/Delphi,只有知道ASM的专家破解者才能修补exe,而不是像。net那样100%逆向工程。


好消息是,微软似乎在2020年支持。net的本地输出,这将使像我这样的程序员考虑将。net c#作为主要语言。
