

但是我的安卓手机无法访问这个文件。 我谷歌了一下,它说我需要在我的手机上查找,但我不想这样做。





Adb执行run-as debug .app.package.name cat files/file.mp4 > file.mp4


adb shell
run-as com.your.packagename 
cd files
ls -als .

Shahidul提到的Android-Studio方式(https://stackoverflow.com/a/44089388/1256697)也可以。对于那些在菜单中没有看到DeviceFile资源管理器选项的人:请确保在Android Studio中打开/ Android - directory。 例如,react-native用户在他们的Project-Folder中有这个和/ios-Directory在同一级别。


adb backup didn't work for me, so here's what I did (Xiaomi Redmi Note 4X, Android 6.0): 1. Go to Settings > Additional Settings > Backup & reset > Local backups. 2. Tap 'Back up' on the bottom of the screen. 3. Uncheck 'System' and 'Apps' checkmarks. 4. Tap detail disclosure button on the right of the 'Apps' cell to navigate to app selection screen. 5. Select the desired app and tap OK. 6. After the backup was completed, the actual file need to be located somehow. Mine could be found at /MIUI/backup/AllBackup/_FOLDER_NAMED_AFTER_BACKUP_CREATION_DATE_. 7. Then I followed the steps from this answer by RonTLV to actually convert the backup file (.bak in my case) to tar (duplicating from the original answer): " a) Go here and download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/adbextractor/ b) Extract the downloaded file and navigate to folder where you extracted. c) run this with your own file names: java -jar abe.jar unpack c:\Intel\xxx.ab c:\Intel\xxx.tar "

如果你使用的是Android Studio 3.0或更高版本,请遵循以下步骤。

单击“查看>工具Windows >设备文件资源管理器”。 展开/data/data/[package-name]节点。


直接在手机上访问这些文件很困难,但你可以将它们复制到你的电脑上,在那里你可以做任何你想做的事情。 没有根你有两个选择:

If the application is debuggable you can use the run-as command in adb shell adb shell run-as com.your.packagename cp /data/data/com.your.packagename/ Alternatively you can use Android's backup function. adb backup -noapk com.your.packagename You will now be prompted to 'unlock your device and confirm the backup operation'. It's best NOT to provide a password, otherwise it becomes more difficult to read the data. Just click on 'backup my data'. The resulting 'backup.ab' file on your computer contains all application data in android backup format. Basically it's a compressed tar file. This page explains how you can use OpenSSL's zlib command to uncompress it. You can use the adb restore backup.db command to restore the backup.



打开命令提示符 将目录改为E:\Android\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\adt-bundle-windows-x86_64-20140702\sdk\platform-tools 输入以下命令 Adb -d shell 执行命令-as com.your.packagename cat databases/database.db > /sdcard/database.db 将目录更改为cd /sdcard,确保database.db在那里。 Adb pull /sdcard/database.db或者简单地从设备复制database.db。