

vi main.pl maintenance.pl






:n test.pl




When I started using VIM I didn't realize that tabs were supposed to be used as different window layouts, and buffer serves the role for multiple file editing / switching between each other. Actually in the beginning tabs are not even there before v7.0 and I just opened one VIM inside a terminal tab (I was using gnome-terminal at the moment), and switch between tabs using alt+numbers, since I thought using commands like :buffers, :bn and :bp were too much for me. When VIM 7.0 was released I find it's easier to manager a lot of files and switched to it, but recently I just realized that buffers should always be the way to go, unless one thing: you need to configure it to make it works right.

所以我尝试了vim-airline,并启用了可视的顶部选项卡式缓冲条,但图形与我的iTerm2有问题,所以我尝试了其他几个,似乎MBE最适合我。我还设置shift+h/l作为快捷键,因为原来的那些(移动到当前页面的头部/尾部)对我来说不是很有用。 map <S-h>:bprev<返回> map <S-l>:bnext<返回>





nmap <leader>sh:leftabove vnew<CR>

nmap <leader>sl: vnew<CR>

nmap <leader>sk:leftabove new<CR>

nmap <leader>sj:rightbelow new<CR>


nmap <C-j> <C-w>j

nmap <C-k> <C-w>k

nmap <C-l> <C-w>l

nmap <C-h> <C-w>h

我使用以下,这给了你很多功能,你会期望在其他编辑器,如Sublime文本/ Textmate

Use buffers not 'tab pages'. Buffers are the same concept as tabs in almost all other editors. If you want the same look of having tabs you can use the vim-airline plugin with the following setting in your .vimrc: let g:airline#extensions#tabline#enabled = 1. This automatically displays all the buffers as tab headers when you have no tab pages opened Use Tim Pope's vim-unimpaired which gives [b and ]b for moving to previous/next buffers respectively (plus a whole host of other goodies) Have set wildmenu in your .vimrc then when you type :b <file part> + Tab for a buffer you will get a list of possible buffers that you can use left/right arrows to scroll through Use Tim Pope's vim-obsession plugin to store sessions that play nicely with airline (I had lots of pain with sessions and plugins) Use Tim Pope's vim-vinegar plugin. This works with the native :Explore but makes it much easier to work with. You just type - to open the explorer, which is the same key as to go up a directory in the explorer. Makes navigating faster (however with fzf I rarely use this) fzf (which can be installed as a vim plugin) is also a really powerful fuzzy finder that you can use for searching for files (and buffers too). fzf also plays very nicely with fd (a faster version of find) Use Ripgrep with vim-ripgrep to search through your code base and then you can use :cdo on the results to do search and replace


:b <partial filename><tab>(跳转到缓冲区) :bw(缓冲区擦除,删除缓冲区) :e <文件路径>(编辑,打开一个新的缓冲区> . Pltags -允许跳转到子例程/方法定义


 :tab sball


gt or :tabn           "    go to next tab
gT or :tabp or :tabN  "    go to previous tab

详细信息见:help tab-page-commands。

我们可以通过vim -p file1 file2命令vim以tab视图的形式打开多个文件。 别名vim='vim -p'将很有用。 在~/.vimrc中使用下面的自动命令也可以实现同样的功能

 au VimEnter * if !&diff | tab all | tabfirst | endif

总之,回答这个问题: 添加到arg列表:arga文件


更多信息见:help arglist


nnoremap <Leader>f :set nomore<Bar>:ls<Bar>:set more<CR>:b<Space>



显示所有打开的缓冲区 您可以: 输入23进入缓冲区23, 输入#进入替代/MRU缓冲区, 输入文件的部分名称,然后输入<Tab>,或<C-i>来自动补全, 或者只是<CR>或<Esc>来保持在当前缓冲区


:set nomore|:ls|:set more
  1  h    "script.py"    line 1
  2 #h  + "file1.txt"    line 6  -- '#' for alternative buffer
  3 %a    "README.md"    line 17 -- '%' for current buffer
  4       "file3.txt"    line 0  -- line 0 for hasn't switched to
  5     + "/etc/passwd"  line 42 -- '+' for modified
:b '<Cursor> here'


第二列:%a为当前,h为隐藏,#为以前,空为尚未切换到。 第三列:+表示修改。
