

vi main.pl maintenance.pl






:n test.pl







When I started using VIM I didn't realize that tabs were supposed to be used as different window layouts, and buffer serves the role for multiple file editing / switching between each other. Actually in the beginning tabs are not even there before v7.0 and I just opened one VIM inside a terminal tab (I was using gnome-terminal at the moment), and switch between tabs using alt+numbers, since I thought using commands like :buffers, :bn and :bp were too much for me. When VIM 7.0 was released I find it's easier to manager a lot of files and switched to it, but recently I just realized that buffers should always be the way to go, unless one thing: you need to configure it to make it works right.

所以我尝试了vim-airline,并启用了可视的顶部选项卡式缓冲条,但图形与我的iTerm2有问题,所以我尝试了其他几个,似乎MBE最适合我。我还设置shift+h/l作为快捷键,因为原来的那些(移动到当前页面的头部/尾部)对我来说不是很有用。 map <S-h>:bprev<返回> map <S-l>:bnext<返回>


如果你要使用多个缓冲区,我认为最重要的事情是 设置隐藏 这样它就能让你切换缓冲区即使你要离开的缓冲区中有未保存的更改。


nnoremap <Leader>f :set nomore<Bar>:ls<Bar>:set more<CR>:b<Space>



显示所有打开的缓冲区 您可以: 输入23进入缓冲区23, 输入#进入替代/MRU缓冲区, 输入文件的部分名称,然后输入<Tab>,或<C-i>来自动补全, 或者只是<CR>或<Esc>来保持在当前缓冲区


:set nomore|:ls|:set more
  1  h    "script.py"    line 1
  2 #h  + "file1.txt"    line 6  -- '#' for alternative buffer
  3 %a    "README.md"    line 17 -- '%' for current buffer
  4       "file3.txt"    line 0  -- line 0 for hasn't switched to
  5     + "/etc/passwd"  line 42 -- '+' for modified
:b '<Cursor> here'


第二列:%a为当前,h为隐藏,#为以前,空为尚未切换到。 第三列:+表示修改。




I have it working this way on both my mac and linux machines and I find it better than the native window pane switching mechanism that's provided (on Macs). I find the switching easier and only with tmux have I been able to get the 'new page at the same current directory' working on my mac (despite the fact that there seems to be options to open new panes in the same directory) which is a surprisingly critical piece. An instant new pane at the current location is amazingly useful. A method that does new panes with the same key combos for both OS's is critical for me and a bonus for all for future personal compatibility. Aside from multiple tmux panes, I've also tried using multiple tabs, e.g. and multiple new windows, e.g. and ultimately I've found that multiple tmux panes to be the most useful for me. I am very 'visual' and like to keep my various contexts right in front of me, connected together as panes.

Tmux还支持水平和垂直窗格,这是旧屏幕所不支持的(尽管mac的iterm2似乎支持它,但是,当前的目录设置对我来说不管用)。tmux 1.8

To open 2 or more files with vim type: vim -p file1 file2 After that command to go threw that files you can use CTRL+Shift+↑ or ↓ , it will change your files in vim. If u want to add one more file vim and work on it use: :tabnew file3 Also u can use which will not create a new tab and will open file on screen slicing your screen: :new file3 If u want to use a plugin that will help u work with directories and files i suggest u NERDTree. To download it u need to have vim-plug so to download other plugins also NERDTree to type this commands in your ~/.vimrc.

    let data_dir = has('nvim') ? stdpath('data') . '/site' : '~/.vim'
    if empty(glob(data_dir . '/autoload/plug.vim'))
      silent execute '!curl -fLo '.data_dir.'/autoload/plug.vim --create-dirs 
      autocmd VimEnter * PlugInstall --sync | source $MYVIMRC

    call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
    Plug 'scrooloose/nerdtree'
    call plug#end()

